Acropora Id request

Jim Z.

New member
Any ideas on possible species id's for these acros? Thank you.

As Always, Jim Z.


Blue Tipped Acropora--8 month old frag


Pale purple-green Tipped Acropora (6 month old frag
Those look really nice, not a clue to what they are. What camera is that by the way? Awesome pictures! Any macro lenses or anything?
Thank you for all of the replies. I'll try to repost an entire view of teh blue-tipped acro sometime this weekend. I use a Pentax *ist d with a 180 mm Sigma macro. I also use fill flash set at -1ev with 1/30 sec exposure at f8. This allows me to capture the actual colors of the coral without washing out the the blues and subtle greens.......Jim Z.
1. A. Tenius and 2. I have the same and chris rc gave me a rare name. Heres mine.


Both from same colony but one is pink with purple tips and one is green with brown polyps. Go figure.