Acropora tissue bubbling. Disease?

Our calc is fine according to Hannah. Old threads point at mag, and I don't trust our mag kit. Just bought a brand new salifert, will test soon. I expect it to be fine though as alk and ca are rock solid.

Very interesting. I had this happening one time and my calcium was very high in the 600s and magnesium was at 1600.
FWIW, I ran my mag at 1800 intentionally for a while to combat bryopsis and my acros never blistered.

From what I've heard from others who have experienced acro blistering, carbon dosing is often a common element.
I had recently lost an A. aculeus from blistering after I changed my GFO. It was the only coral affected. I used a tad bid more than recommended for my size tank because I thought what was left in the tub was inconsequential. Moral of the story...less is more with regards to GFO.
I'm on the big three issue band wagon. I think that when you mentioned in your first post that you've had trouble keeping calcium and alk up, this is the issue.
I have seen this before, long time ago before the development of pellets, it was always due to chemical imbalances... Just my experience..
Thread I hadn't seen after reading what I thought was the entire collection of tubes about this issue. Borneman quote. No real answer. Rehashes the standard superstitions, to wit:

1) Too much photosynthesis.
2) Big 3 imbalance.
3) Carbon dosing.

It is all snake oil.

I'm becoming somewhat determined. Impacts about 90% of our sps.
So, after having read the entire internet about this again, still just as stumped.

Anyone have an idea of how to proceed investigating this?
So, after having read the entire internet about this again, still just as stumped.

Anyone have an idea of how to proceed investigating this?

I've had the same issue, you probably came across my thread when you were searching. Never found an answer myself. The most popular theory is High calcium or magnesium, which was never a problem in my case.
Did yours eventually subside? If so, what did recovery look like?

I've had the same issue, you probably came across my thread when you were searching. Never found an answer myself. The most popular theory is High calcium or magnesium, which was never a problem in my case.
Did yours eventually subside? If so, what did recovery look like?

I ended up getting rid of the colonies affected ( Oregon Tort and Cali Tort) The tissue was pretty badly deformed, bumpy texture, weird tips, etc. They were beyond hope.

I just wanted them out of the tank. I never had an issue with the big3 being out of whack.
I had a theory it was caused by too much flow but was never sure. At the time I was researching it Biopellets seemed to be in use by a few with the issue.

No conclusive answer but I have since removed Biopellets and I have a tankful of SPS and the problem has not reoccurred.....knock wood
Accidentally necroed it :p Sorry.

Mine looks just like yours -- Great color, lots of growth, totally ugly

Talk more about your flow theory... Was your flow unidirectionalish? Were you running a peninsula by any chance?

Clarification -- I'm running what is basically a 40b peninsula with 2 x MP10 that are very random (i.e custom program in Apex that results in stronger, more random flow than just antisynch reefcrest would be able to achieve.)

I don't want less flow, but I have thought about going back to short pulse, or just turning them down... Increased flow helped the SPS encrust, polyp extension etc. though....

Here's a link to my thread with some pics of the affected colonies.
Man, down the rabbit hole....

The exact same threads going back a decade.... No one with any idea what it is.

I'll be at the DD openhouse in March, and I'll ask the wizards up there if they have an idea.

Rather than guessing what it is, can anyone else think of any true experts to ask what their thoughts are?

I reached out to Adam at Battle Corals already. His answer was basically "No one has any clue. It doesn't seem to hurt them, it is just ugly. Don't worry too much about it."

I'll try to get some pics of mine up. Very "standard."
I wish you luck, all the threads I've seen on this just kinda die. Not any answers to be found out there. I've read that it's not all that uncommon, wonder why such limited info ?