Acros peeling from top down

Sometimes RTN is really unknown causes. alk swings are the most common though. But regardless I have only seen one colony be brought back. Best is that you can remove the affected parts and keep what's not affected and hope it stays normal

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Alk changes throughout the day. Even with continuous dosing.

What you're describing lines up with my experience in Alk spike driven light oversensitivity.
So how would they be perfectly healthy and growing for months and then suddenly start dying.

Because your alkalinity changed suddenly, I think that's the point he was trying to make. You keep saying you measure everything, but we are assuming you weren't measuring alkalinity daily while you were gone, hence there's a chance something could have happened then which you don't know about.

It could have been the water change (what salinity did they mix to? How did they test it? If the salinity was off, the alkalinity and calcium and other parameters would have been off by the same amount. Maybe they corrected the mistake or it self-corrected by the time you returned, thanks to your dosing pumps). Or your dosing pump may have hiccuped or been disturbed while you were away.

Or it could be something totally different. You said the lighting didn't change, but the light intensity at the actual surface of the coral depends on many factors besides the light unit itself. Maybe the LFS ran carbon or a filter sock during or after the water change? Things like that can cause a sudden jump in lighting intensity: suddenly running lots of carbon, or even just a large water change, can remove enough organic matter from the water column to significantly increase clarity.

Maybe your skimmer was not maintained similarly to how you normally do it when you're not on vacation?

Did you get a chance to check for pests?

It's really hard to diagnose because none of us (apparently including you) were there when this happened. Acropora can be very sensitive to very small changes, and the damage can take days or weeks to show. I agree with karimwassef, your best course of action is probably to cut away the empty skeleton and hope for the best, assuming there are no visible pests.
Very true. It does and can happen when you're not there to see it or test the tank when it happened.

So, take this piece for example.

When it was first acquired as a brown piece, it had no polyps and was brown. This is ~2 weeks after it was placed in the tank. Polyps are finally out and there's a hint of color in the tissue other than brown.

This is the same frag ~8 months afterwards. Fully encrusted over the plug that was in the other pic. Colors had shown up and it was doing rather well.

Left for a 3 day weekend and came back to an fully bleached and dead frag. Everything obviously checked out on the test kit and on Fusion, but something must have happened when I wasn't there.
Because your alkalinity changed suddenly, I think that's the point he was trying to make. You keep saying you measure everything, but we are assuming you weren't measuring alkalinity daily while you were gone, hence there's a chance something could have happened then which you don't know about.

It could have been the water change (what salinity did they mix to? How did they test it? If the salinity was off, the alkalinity and calcium and other parameters would have been off by the same amount. Maybe they corrected the mistake or it self-corrected by the time you returned, thanks to your dosing pumps). Or your dosing pump may have hiccuped or been disturbed while you were away.

Or it could be something totally different. You said the lighting didn't change, but the light intensity at the actual surface of the coral depends on many factors besides the light unit itself. Maybe the LFS ran carbon or a filter sock during or after the water change? Things like that can cause a sudden jump in lighting intensity: suddenly running lots of carbon, or even just a large water change, can remove enough organic matter from the water column to significantly increase clarity.

Maybe your skimmer was not maintained similarly to how you normally do it when you're not on vacation?

Did you get a chance to check for pests?

It's really hard to diagnose because none of us (apparently including you) were there when this happened. Acropora can be very sensitive to very small changes, and the damage can take days or weeks to show. I agree with karimwassef, your best course of action is probably to cut away the empty skeleton and hope for the best, assuming there are no visible pests.

I'm assuming the water the used for the water change was about 1.026. I get my water from them so when I do a water change I don't match it to my parameters, never had any problems.

I'm not aware of any filter media that they ran all they said was they did a water change. The only difference was that there were 2 weeks in between a water change instead of one every week like I normally do. Could this have triggered it?

All my equiptment was run the same if not cleaned more frequently than I normally do.

So this morning I cut off all the dead/ dying tissues and skeleton and covered the cuts with superglue.
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