Floyd R Turbo
Either busy or sleeping
If you know that the tank is in full contact with the stand, then no. Otherwise it's not a bad idea to put down foam.
okie dokie , ill post up some pics of what i got so far , dont pick them apart to bad im working with what i have , but i got the sides all done and the bottom bonded , {bottom not shown yet} but im posting a few pics of areas with bubbles , im concerned , but not really since i have seen others way worse ..... keep in mind this is 1" acrylic , bonded with weldon 4
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/91708975@N06/8327933956/" title="IMG_1757 by 225digger, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8075/8327933956_2b4fcf2365.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="IMG_1757"></a>
You can solvent weld PVC and acrylic using a weld-on product, 2007 I believe, but why bother, IMO it's not as strong of a bond and you're not saving any material cost...I'm not sure why the RE guys chose to build their sumps this way except for looks. I don't know what advantage there could possibly be for HGW over correctly performed solvent welding.
I have bonded grey type 1 PVC sheet to acrylic using weld-16. I would NOT RECOMMEND this for any pressure vessel use. The bond is very weak.
I just purchased a small acrylic frag tank (used) What is the best way/product to polish the acrylic? Also what is the best way to clean algae off the glass? This is a 5.5 g king AIO set-up.
I have done the same with 16 for a View sight on my ATO.
Weld-On's TDS does not show PSI data for PVC however list it as "œespecially formulated to bond acrylic plastic. It can also be used for bonding styrene,
butyrate, PVC and polycarbonate, as well as other plastics and porous surfaces."
...but not for pressure vessels. It's not a strong structural bond, IMO. Playing with fire.
It looks like the acrylic disk is on the inside, so that would be held on by pressure pushing the connection together.
But if one were to say make a sump with a PVC bottom and bond acrylic side walls to that, that is the situation where it becomes a structural bond issue and WO16 is horrible for that, even with acrylic on acrylic.
The short answer is yes. Making it look pretty is the hard part. Also making it warp free.
Who is John?
That one I read has #3 or #4 at 2500 @ 1 week and 16 at 2200...?