advice on pumps


New member
300 DD with MRC-2 skimmer. Switched to submersibles about a year ago because the wife wouldn't tolerate the noise. Been running eco plus 3170's on both tank and skimmer. Works great for 6 months then seizure. Both motor and brain. NO more. Been thinking of 2 pumps on tank and 1 on skimmer. Been looking at Reef Octopus Water Blaster pumps but would like other suggestions. Any input is appreciated.
What about mag pumps? I have run a MRC2 using a mag 18 before did a pretty good job. I am looking into the same thing myself right now. I have a 375g I am looking to change pumps and skimmer to quiet the noise. I have a mag9 running a eco-cooler that is virtually quiet, but will need a bit bigger pump for returns.
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I'll second that on the water blaster pumps. I currently run a bubble blaster pump on my skimmer and it is load. You can hear it throughout my whole house.
Depends on your flow requirements, I like dolphin ampmaster pumps they are quiet and can push alot of water but make sure you get the best seals. Eheims are quiet but the flow sucks.

- Trickman2 is "In search of answers to questions unknown"
I'll second that on the water blaster pumps. I currently run a bubble blaster pump on my skimmer and it is load. You can hear it throughout my whole house.

the waterblaster hy7000 is pretty powerfull and you cant hear it running IMO..bubble blasters may be louder that the waterblasters..

On my 300 i just switched out two iwaki 55 rlt for two eheim power compact + 5000's and you cant tell those things are running unless you touch them to see if they are on, and i think they are VERY powerfull. Im running one at only about half and the other at full snce it is feeding my DT. my frag tank and three reactors and it still gives me plenty of punch to all of them.
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I first planned on 2 mag 12's on tank and a mag 24 on skimmer. MRC says that is minimum flow on dual becketts . waterblaster offers a 3 year warranty . danner 1 year. I'm tired of watching these HY-Drives seize up. The rotor expands and cracks.Want a good pump thats going to last. I've heard nothing but good things about ehiem but always considered them small pumps
I first planned on 2 mag 12's on tank and a mag 24 on skimmer. MRC says that is minimum flow on dual becketts . waterblaster offers a 3 year warranty . danner 1 year. I'm tired of watching these HY-Drives seize up. The rotor expands and cracks.Want a good pump thats going to last. I've heard nothing but good things about ehiem but always considered them small pumps

I must admit i was very skeptical , especially when I opened the box and held a pump no larger than the palm of my hand but when i plumbed them in and turn them on i was VERY shocked not only how you cant hear them running but how much power they were sending. Im going to do a review on them soon on here with pictures
I got more flow on my tank from a Tunze silence pro than I did with two mag 24s that I replaced with it. It is much quiter too. My tank is 50 ft away from the sump room and about 5 ft above the sump. The pump is worth every penny and then some in my view.
I got more flow on my tank from a Tunze silence pro than I did with two mag 24s that I replaced with it. It is much quiter too. My tank is 50 ft away from the sump room and about 5 ft above the sump. The pump is worth every penny and then some in my view.

How is this Possible "and about 5 ft above the sump"?
Eheim are very good pumps, using them for over 15 years and never fail. Try Deltek or H&S skimmers as they use the Eheim pumps to drive them.
the eco-plus 3170 pushed more water than 2 pcx 40's.With 10 ft of head. It was also so quiet that I had to put my ear against the sump to hear it. 3 to 6 months later the rotor starts expanding wont restart
If the tunze will last it is worth the price. $160 for Danner / eco plus 3170. $160 for mag 24.
$370 for tunze. Running two 3170's with a walk around tank you can't hear a pump running.
My wife won't tolerate any noise because it is in the middle of the living room. She can hear me squeak one out 3 rooms away. But I will not spend $800 on two pumps. If I get the tunze for a return pump I will need to do something different for the skimmer. MRC says 2 pcx 40's for the mrc2.
You can consider using a T from the 1.5" pipe with valves to control how much water is going where. i use the tunze to feed two 150W Emperor Aquatics HO UV units and then return to the tank. This is a new pump and I have had it for only a couple of months so i do not know about durability but it is quite and really flows. Service from tunze is the best in the business. You can check out the tunze forum.
Finally, I did not thin kit was possible to push more through one Tunze pump than two MAG 24s, specially since the mags are high pressure and tunze is high flow. But i was wrong. Some of it has to do with the Tunze using a different type of impeller and also 1.5" tubing versus 1" for the mags.