

New member
Anyone have any advice to someone such as my self whom is relatively new to the hobby? My tank has been up and running since June, and I feel like I'm spiraling down a slope of wasted money. Hence Deceased- Puffer Fish (Savagely killed by Blue Damsels), and dead Linkia Star. I just moved to a reef tank and feel like I'm still not doing things right, because to be honest, I have dumped hundreds of dollars into this tank and it still seems like a dump.

Thanks, Bob from SMU
Bob the only advice I can offer is that you should read ( if you have not) on every thing that you are going to put into your tank or add onto your tank alot of great people on RC are willing to help you out (give advice) if you ask and in most cases its all ready been talked about at one point or another just do a search. Thank you and best of luck.
Keep your head up and it will get better.