AEFW experiments and study

I think the water is shallow enough. That is a variable I had considered.

After the end of this experiment, when I can see if they shrink in size with no food, I'll be making a second test container, this time made of the biggest micron mesh I can use while still keeping them contained. Water will be constantly supplied to the container, to eliminate any need for water changes and keeping parameters even closer to the tank water they came from. Will also help keep them from crawling on the surface of the water.
do you think a small Aqualifter pump sucking water from the tank and putting it in the container would allow the FWs to scape ?
In my current container, yes, they'd crawl out as soon as the container got full. That's why the second container will be made of micron mesh, the AEFW will still remain inside but the water being pumped in will run out through the mesh.
Just for fun one thing I think may have been over looked. Will they eat another source of food if acros are not present. Like flake food pellets lysis shrimp etc? Hey ya never no things evolve or adapt.
Day 2, Experiment 1 (Nov 6th):

Compartment 1: One cluster of eggs observed on bottom of container
Compartment 2: 3 AEFW found on surface of water in morning, eggs observed laid in 3 separate sections in a straight line along the edge of the bottom.
Compartment 3: 6 AEFW found on surface of water in morning, otherwise no change
Compartment 4: No change, all AEFW present
Compartment 5: No change, all AEFW present


AEFW can crawl out on the surface of the water. May need to adjust the experiment container for a second test run that has running water of some kind to help prevent this.

Compartments 1 and 2 had eggs present this morning that were laid overnight.

90% waterchange at 9:30am.
80% waterchange at 8:00pm.
AEFW confirmed as nocturnal, are almost motionless during the day in the test compartments, but move around freely after lights-out. All eggs laid to date were done so during the night.
Day 3, Experiment 1 (Nov 7th)

Compartment 1: 3 new egg clusters (4 clusters total to date), 1 AEFW dying
Compartment 2: 2 new egg clusters (3 clusters to date), 1 AEFW dead, 1 AEFW missing, 8 present
Compartment 3: 5 new egg clusters
Compartment 4: No change, all AEFW present
Compartment 5: No change, all AEFW present


All eggs were laid overnight, observed in the morning

Starting to lose a few large AEFW. It is possible because of their size that they sustained more damage from the directed water jet used to remove them from the acro originally than the smaller AEFW, or egg-laying shortened their lifespan with no access to food

80% waterchanges performed 9am and 9pm
Questions I want to look into:

Natural predators of AEFW and effectiveness "“ acro crabs, wrasses, etc.

This one is very compelling. Would love to see this one raised in priority.

Is there more than one kind of AEFW, are some more hardier than others?
My recent belief is that the answer to this question is yes. In quarantine, we recently found a variety of flatworm that was clearly predating on acropora species, but was not of the familiar AEFW appearance as shown in your thread here. Praziquantel was highly effective at stunning/killing them.

Keep up the good work here!
I also believe the answer to that one is yes too, I know at least that some are hardier.

Do you happen to have any of those different FW or even eggs left? I would really like to collect a variety of AEFW from a number of sources.

I'll add prazi to my list of dips to play around with.