Here is another data point for the use of Levamilsole.
I have approx 400 total water volume in DT, sump, refugium and frag tank. 20 fish in the DT and 2 in the frag. I have a moderate infestation of AEFW. Lost a few frags but the larger colonies are holding their own.
Following the suggestions in the thread, but looking to dose on the higher end of the range according to Ormet's numbers. I mixed up 10.0g of powder in 1L RODI intending to dose at 2ml/gal with the following math:
400gal x 2 ml = 800ml = 8g levamisole
8gr in 1514L = 5.28mg/l
8gr in 400gal = 20mg/gal
Like Ormet, my scale does not measure in tenths of grams so I could have been heavy with the powder. After watching my fish react, I'm pretty sure I was!
On 10/2/14 @6:00 p.m. dosed 800ml of the solution. Turned off the carbon and gfo reactors and the skimmer.
Within 10 min many flatworms and copepods were floating in the water.
Snails dropped off the rock.
To my dismay, my pin tail fairy wrasse immediately showed signs of distress, hiding in a corner of the tank breathing heavily. The other fish were not happy.
At 6:15 p.m. I turned on the carbon reactor containing about 250g of carbon that had been in the reactor for almost a month. Ran about 20-30 gph through the reactor. The idea being to bring down the concentration of Levamisole slowly.
The following morning at 7:00 a.m. fish were still distressed, but less so. The two most impacted fish were the bodianus neopercularis and ventralis anthias, both went into hiding. The other fish were sluggish but breathing normally. No fish ate when I fed the tank.
At 7a.m. I loaded both reactors with 400g new carbon each and ran them at approx. 40 gph per. I then set the auto water change to change 25 gallons over the next 5 hours.
By 7p.m. - 24 hours after dosing -- all fish except bodianus and anthias swimming normally although appetite was still suppressed. The snails had righted themselves, but were not active.
Changed another 20 gal of water between 7pm and 11pm
By 7 am -36 hours after dosing- all fish except bodanius appear normal and are eating, bodianus still hiding under rock. Changed another 15 gal. of water.
By 6pm -- 48 hours later -- everything back to normal.
Corals have better color and PE.
I captured one large flatworm in the frag tank that was floating (I assume most had been trapped in the filter socks). It was not dead.
I basted the colonies and found no new flatworms.
Its too early to claim success. I suspect based on the single live flatworm I found is what I accomplished was to remove the flatworms from the colonies and into the water column where they were filtered out in the filter socks. I'm sure some survived in the sand bed or on the rock. I don't believe the treatment kills eggs and I'm certain I did not find and remove all of the eggs.
I plan on dosing again in a week, but at a lower dose -- it was scary watching my prized fish react so negatively!! I will reduce the potency to 8gm Levsamisole to 1L RODI and dose 800ml of the solution. That will take the dose down to 16 mg/gal or 4.23 mg/l. Hopefully I'll break the life cycle as jda appears to have done.