Afreakian good idea

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@ bnumair

first of all I'm not doing Seience experiments I am a responsible fish owner who has very few fish die I know a lot but don't have a lot of experience and I am only gonna learn by trying things myself and sometimes things die that way I would never deliberately kill an animal I am devoted to my hobyys and I have chameleons some of the most time devoting creatures out there right next to my reef i have tried converting things like puffers before and it hasn't always worked out and I'm put them back in fresh water and they were fine I'm guessing if you act like this much of an *** all the time as a business owner that you must not make many sales or have many employees ( at least ones who respect you)
@ bnumair

first of all I'm not doing Seience experiments I am a responsible fish owner who has very few fish die I know a lot but don't have a lot of experience and I am only gonna learn by trying things myself and sometimes things die that way I would never deliberately kill an animal I am devoted to my hobyys and I have chameleons some of the most time devoting creatures out there right next to my reef i have tried converting things like puffers before and it hasn't always worked out and I'm put them back in fresh water and they were fine I'm guessing if you act like this much of an *** all the time as a business owner that you must not make many sales or have many employees ( at least ones who respect you)

I have an idea! Put a chameleon in the tank! You can have a reef chameleon!
Dude I have literally seen people's tanks with with cichlids and saltwater angel fish together it's hard but it can work I'm talking about Africans and my local store even has em in super high brackish water I think the limits can b pushed a little farther than that and if they can't then ill just accept it for the time being put the fish in a differnt tank and move on
Dude I have literally seen people's tanks with with cichlids and saltwater angel fish together it's hard but it can work I'm talking about Africans and my local store even has em in super high brackish water I think the limits can b pushed a little farther than that and if they can't then ill just accept it for the time being put the fish in a differnt tank and move on

Short term survival is no indication of success, and once again, this little "experiment" of yours is completely unethical.
This whole thing is totally opposite of what this club and members represent. I crushed a snail the other day while removing my canopy and I felt terrible about it. I feel that trying to acclimate cichlids into saltwater is akin to trying to acclimate you to breathing CO2. It just doesn't work. I have a 75 gallon cichlid tank also and it looks pretty good just as it is. Ugh!!
Well I guess u get a thrill out of owning a fish store and having all those fish die each month must get some amusement out of that
But hey look up African cichlids living in a saltwater tank on YouTube and watch the video by Rossf12 and you'll see wat I'm talking about
Dude I have literally seen people's tanks with with cichlids and saltwater angel fish together it's hard but it can work I'm talking about Africans and my local store even has em in super high brackish water I think the limits can b pushed a little farther than that and if they can't then ill just accept it for the time being put the fish in a differnt tank and move on

Where are these tanks? show me some pictures.

at one point your saying this can be done and youve seen tanks with cichlids and angels kept together, then you immediately say youve seen them in brackish water and you "think" it can be pushed further? :hammer:
I don't want to join a photo sharing website is there any other way I can get these pictures on this forum.

I'm using an iPhone for all of these post can I take right from my photos on my phone
But hey look up African cichlids living in a saltwater tank on YouTube and watch the video by Rossf12 and you'll see wat I'm talking about

These people who make these videos are why others believe that the hobby is anti-environment and do not care about the welfare of the livestock based upon poor husbandry techniques. How long was this tank set up? Was it just for the video? This is on the level of keeping a dog in a crate 24 x 7. Sure the animal can survive but for how long?

This is why some people believe that the hobby should be illegal.

Honestly with your mind set, this hobby really is not for you but maybe in a few years when you can comprehend the science behind the hobby and you could try again. Several people have tried to explain fish physiology to you but you have decided to ignore it because you have "researched" it. Watching a video or a tv program is not research. Every month, tens of thousands of peer-reviewed articles are published and no one can keep up with all of it.

You claim that that you are offended at what others do to these fish yet everything you have written puts you in the same group. You claim to be knowledgeable yet most of what you have written is wrong and based upon emotion instead of science.

I am not attacking you, I am just pointing out that you need to slow down and stop acting like you know more than others who have been doing this longer than you have been alive and do this for a living in one capacity or another. The only reason others have taken time to reply to you is because of the livestock you seem to have little to no regard for and will pay the price.

I hope that you become open minded to what others have tried to explain to you; not because you would be wasting your time and money, rather the livestock will pay the ultimate price.

So which road are you going to take?

I wish you luck.
Well so far all 3 of my test cichlids are up to near saltwater and still doing perfectly fine

No I am going to slowly acclimate it not just through it in there I might not explain myself very well but I know my stuff if I see the african cichlids starting to have trouble with the saltwater than I will just slowly acclimate them back to freshwater and keep them in my freshwater turtles tank

So you acclimated them to almost full saltwater within the 7 hrs of your first post??? Or you are acclimating them over time?? Don't drink and post sir. Regardless I personally think its a terrible idea
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