Afreakian good idea

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This guys activities strike me very much as a "Troll"
No serious aquarist will sign up on a forum, and bash fellow aquarists and the hobby as a whole with his very first post.
And this thread.....well it speaks for itself.
I'm sorry but you very obviously do not ""know your stuff".

First off: it's spelled environment, if you want someone to read and respect your posts spell check them.

Second: African cichlids will NOT be able to osmoregulate in salt water. Given enough time the salt will kill them due to the massive amounts of energy their bodies will be using to purge the salt from their system.

+1 Also I know this isn't an English class or anything, but quirky your spelling is atrocious. I'll bite my tongue from any further slamming of your intellectual capacity.
This guys activities strike me very much as a "Troll"
No serious aquarist will sign up on a forum, and bash fellow aquarists and the hobby as a whole with his very first post.
And this thread.....well it speaks for itself.

Sadly though......this person shows the thought process of our next generation. Troll or not this is the future of America.
Short term survival is no indication of success, and once again, this little "experiment" of yours is completely unethical.

Exactly. There are long term consequences as well, which are being ignored.

I've been considering acclimating myself to saltwater, I know it's possible, I've seen it (waterworld).

I'm as acclimated to saltwater as a human can be...see picture of me to the left :D
I think you are wasting everyone's time with junk mail and nothing of any real value.
Sadly though......this person shows the thought process of our next generation. Troll or not this is the future of America.

I disagree. This is not a generational. issue. There are many other young people who could serve as solid representatives of the next generation. Just as there are some oldtimers who are windbags.

The thread has degraded to a personality fest mainly because there isn't much useful infromation in it. Young or old, you can't walk into a room ,insult everyone ,spew opinions based on little information and expect hugs and kisses no matter how young or old you are. It's called common courtesy.
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