Ahhhhh..... A place for a Ricordea Junkie!

Hey Folks,

I just got these guys this week.. They told me they were just hairy shrooms and just found out that they're actually ricordea, LOL

Learn something new every day I suppose :D
And this one is from later on in the day.. Extended, but the color isn't as good as the first 2 pictures..

There are actually 10 polyps on this rock.. 2 larger ones (2"-2.5"), 4 medium sized ones (1"-1.5") and two little ones (<1").. I gave them $45 for it..
hmmm, looks like yumas to meeeeee
love the colors, i really need to get my mom to let me have her camera for a couple days.
my turquoise one turned silver, and the green one turned into turquoise.
quite interesting
So Yuma commands a premium over Florida?
Is this true in all cases, and what would most of you consider to be the reasons for or against?

Just trying to educate myself,
Here is a pic or my yellow ricordea.
Pic was taken under PC 50/50 lighting. Picture doesn't capture the color that well, it's a little more of a golden yellow color
My Ricordias

My Ricordias

Here is one of my favorites


And another...


Not the best pictures but they are ok!
Azurel said:
real nice yellow is such a an odd color morph for shrooms

Thanks. I bought when I first started this hobby about 7 months ago. I thought it looked really pretty, didn't know it was an odd color morph :eek2:
Yea you rarely see yellow such as that in mushrooms, even more so when the whole thing is bright yellow like that...very nice
I am sorry, I have been lazy lately. I had a strenous week at work last week, I helped with my wife's profession all weekend, and the week before I moved my brother to IN.(Laying Ground work to take over Premium Aquatics:D )
Anyway, Sunday I went into the LFS and they had a better selection of Ricordia than normal. I was stoked to find a rock that had 18 heads of R.yuma on it. They wanted 60$ and I thought that was fair considering the number of Rics.
They are an emerald green with navy blue bodies, and tan tips. They all have orange mouths. They seem to be doing fine and I think they are motivation enough to post my little round children.
Does everyone think that is a decent price? They range from 2" all the way down to .5".

Sally, my pink, orange, and white one shriveled away, and so did my 4 color yuma. The funny thing is there is a little dot of tissue on the rock where they were, so I am not giving up yet. I still have my pink and blue and my white and green.

Assuming anyone would want to, how would I frag my new rock for trade?

WOW, I am sorry to hear about that. I will keep my fingers X'ed that they grow from the tissue. I have not fragged any of mine yet. They have been splitting on their own a little. I am thinking of trying cutting off the head and hoping it lives and the other grows back. Then I may get braver and slice one in two and so on. I am always interested in trades for Ric's. They seem to be my obsession!!!!!!
Reefgeester, all I can say is WOW!!!!!!!! and I am jealous. I will get one some day!!! That brings a question to mind. I have been thinking I wonder why we have not seen more of the hot pink? I mean, do they shrivel up and die like westpat's??? Or are we just now finding them? I hate to spend 100+ dollars and watch it waste away. Please keep us posted with the outcome of yours.
Thanks for sharing!!