Ahhhhh..... A place for a Ricordea Junkie!

Sallylightfoot said:
OOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Reefgeekster, I just noticed you are in Oregon. Hum, you will have to let me know when/if you have any trades.

Yeah, just saw that your in Salem. We go to Salem every 3-4 weeks to vist my wife's mom and I usually get to do a Fish run in Salem and Portland, I graduated from High School in Stayton.
Sallylightfoot said:
Reefgeester, all I can say is WOW!!!!!!!! and I am jealous. I will get one some day!!! That brings a question to mind. I have been thinking I wonder why we have not seen more of the hot pink? I mean, do they shrivel up and die like westpat's??? Or are we just now finding them? I hate to spend 100+ dollars and watch it waste away. Please keep us posted with the outcome of yours.
Thanks for sharing!!

I think a lot of the survival rate of the Yuma/Ricordia has to do with fragging it or trying to remove it from a rock, rather than chipping of the rock people tend to try to peel it off which damaging the foot resulting in infection(s) and then melting away.
As far as cost goes Ricordia tends to split less often if they even do vs. a Rose bubble tip anemone. And of course everyone has green, blues, beige, browns making red/pink in more of demand and as things go as far as price it's demand and suppplies.
My new favorite from my personal collection:

(or will be once it opens fully! It will be over 4" wide! To give you some idea, the small ones to the right are larger than a nickel!)

My new Purple and FIRE! yuma! (Like the one in my sig from long ago!)


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Oleta said:
And this one is from later on in the day.. Extended, but the color isn't as good as the first 2 pictures..

There are actually 10 polyps on this rock.. 2 larger ones (2"-2.5"), 4 medium sized ones (1"-1.5") and two little ones (<1").. I gave them $45 for it..

Awesome piece... Gotta love the occasional clueless pet shop piece. They look almost identical to the Yuma pair I found online at $69. You got quite a steal...
Oleta said:
And this one is from later on in the day.. Extended, but the color isn't as good as the first 2 pictures..

There are actually 10 polyps on this rock.. 2 larger ones (2"-2.5"), 4 medium sized ones (1"-1.5") and two little ones (<1").. I gave them $45 for it..

Awesome piece... Gotta love the occasional clueless pet shop piece. They look almost identical to the Yuma pair I found online at $69. You got quite a steal...
One of my new ricordias. The color is off as I underexposed the picture by a half stop and it was taken under a blue moonlight. Still a cool picture though :D


Cool Ric Darren... but where the hell is the fire for sale. Whats the holdup over there<G>. Ric junkie needs a fix LOL.

Plus... in your second pic whats that big Yuma on the right with the yellows??? I want one (actually how about that one?). Way cool and looks way nicer than the fires in that pic. Is it the same as those three babies below it?
Probably green or teal / probably purple (washed out in pic) yuma. Kind of hard to make out the ring around the mouth but they look too big for florida.
Heres one I picked uplast weekend... This is a strange one that sometimes looks a little like reefkeeper1's second pic... I'm calling it burnt orange but sometimes it looks more red and its very different from my neon orange/purple. Reddish, orange who knows LOL Cool anyway.

Those yellows are way cool and I would love to get one myself. Yellow yuma?? They look like yellow florida to me (and the rest).