Ahhhhh..... A place for a Ricordea Junkie!

Are these yuma? I think they are.


This picture was taken at about 9am. There are no tank lights on. Just the ambient lighting from the room windows.

HoloKai you live in Wisconsin, don't kid yourself, you're too cool to live here in Ohio :). But if you want to bring back some rics say during spring break that would be great... I am sure we could swap something.
Speaking of different colors.... I just picked up what appeared to be pink yuma... but now I'm not so sure. kinda dark, but it might color up some. Paid thirty bucks for these two, so I'm hoping they turn a nice pink.

Here's a real beauty that I'll be selling at our frag fest this coming Saturday

At a bargin basement price of a measly $15! :D
Alright, I need a ricordea expert's opinion. I was told this was not a ricordea , but it was a type of hairy mushroom. I think it looks alot like some of the posts I have seen in this thread.

What do you guys think? ricordea or not!!:confused:

I will go with r. yuma, when closed rhodactis mushrooms and ricordia yuma look similar, but when opened r yuma is not as stiffly patterned as a rhodactis. Also rhodactis do not have polyps on its oral opening. Some one know anything different?

That is a for sure Yuma.....there really can be no confusing a ricordea with any other mushroom really that goes for Floridias also...see as how they are the only to in that sp....
skyler, that's a beautiful yuma! I'd love to have it, but I'm not anywhere near you. If you have any that you'd be willing to ship let me know. I'm trying to make a "garden" out of my tank. <grin>

jgoelz, i'd say it was a yuma. pretty one too.


If I still have any in the spring/summer, I would be willing to ship then. But I am still very new to reef keeping and I am very unsure of my shipping/packaging skills enough to keep a coral alive in this kind of weather.

Thanks for asking though, I appreciate it! :)
Wow! :p Thanks guys.

I feel pretty cool now. I thought all I had were boring old mushrroms.

This pic is of the largest of a colony of 9 fully developed ones along with about 4 or 5 offspring. They look pretty awesome under actinics.

I'll try to post some more pics soon.

Once again, thanks for your ID's :D
skyler, that would be great! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you have some more. I do agree that this weather is not the best and spring would be a much better time to ship than now. This winter is horrible. If, or hopefully when you feel it's ok to ship & you have some left or more please let me know (pm) Thanks.

Like i said, that one you showed in the pic looks fantastic!