Ahhhhh..... A place for a Ricordea Junkie!

Holokai said:
Millisec, very, very nice. In your post "Heres a few in the garden..." what are the green squiggly things? very pretty!

Also, is that a large conch in your tank? or just the shell?

- Chris

Thanks folks... Colorful rics rate right with my obcession for zoo's.

The green squiggly things are a frag of my metallic green star polyps. Aside from one of best colors varieties of greens they have those curly polyps. My favorite GSP ever.

The shell I found a pair of locally a while back sold as sand sifting snails. They are episcopal mitres. VERY good sand sifter and harmless IME. Large but identical behavior to nassarius.
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Here is an AMAZING ricordea that I was able to trade for another coral. The blue ric is about 2"-2.5" in diameter. It is HUGE. King Kong ric of my tank for sure!



What's amazing about this ric is that it is not split. It wraps to the other side. It has about 5-7 mouths. If opened up, it would easily span 6"-7" and 2" tall. I am in awe of the sheer magnitude of size. I have never seen rics this size before! :eek2:

There are a couple more on the bottom that the large one is hiding. There is no rock showing, when I pick this up, I have to squish it.
Hi Brian,

I too have to come up to your place and pick up some riccordia. I was up there a couple months ago and got some blue rics.. I'd like to get some other interesting color morphs.

No, I do not feed mushrooms. Trust me, they will spread fast enough on their own. Ask me how I get rid of them.
LMAO. That's how Mark. Saying something like that them getting a hundred PM's from people quite happy to help you with that particular problem!:fun4:
skylergirl said:

GREAT photo!!! Such depth and color rendition is superb.

What camera/setup do you use?

Thanks. I enjoy taking pictures.

I use a Sony Cybershot DSC-P50 the only settings I use is the Macro setting on the camera, sometimes with a flash or without a flash.

My ricrodea pictures I make sure my glass is clean and then press the camera up against the glass to get these shots.

This one is without a flash.

If I use a flash I find that if I use Red Eye reduction I get better shots.
wow... This is a real paradise.

Ricordeas are nothing easy to find here :(
I want to share my small colony of the only one specie I have.


Will They Color up More?

Will They Color up More?

I have this ricordia up high in my tank. They have been there for about a month now. Will they color up more or is this the color that they will stay at? When it is dark, I put a flashlight on them and see flourescent blue rim with flourscent turquoise on the meat. The nobs on them are a pale orange...



i think multiple mouths may be an indication of reproducing, but i'm no expert.

this thread is awesome. here's my new orange first ricordia polyp that i got last weekend for my 10g nano-tank:
Same Ricordia,but at bottom of tank

Same Ricordia,but at bottom of tank

OK, I didn't alter this pic at all. Here is the turquoise meat that I was talking about...
