Ahhhhh..... A place for a Ricordea Junkie!

jgoelz, I think that they are just regular mushrooms that you can get anywhere. I think that you really don't like them. I think that I am thinking that you don't know what you are thinking, you think?

If you want, I will gladly take them off of your hands being that they are nothing special :D j/k

Very nice. I can't wait to get some of my own.
yep, can tell by their mouths. probably other things as well, but i'm not that good. the way the mouths look makes me think they are yumas
I feel honored that some one wants something from my tank. I've got too many bare spots at the moment to be downsizing anything, though.:D I'm still trying to fill it up.

Although, on a side note you can check out my new fish addition HERE
Here's my florida.

<img src="http://www.photo.net/photodb/image-display?photo_id=2115839&size=md">

Here is my favorite one.

Normal Tank Lighting, Auto White Balance




There are actualy also about 5 other babies this one has left behind as it moved about 4" over the last few months.
My ricordia is really starting to shape up nicely IMO. A couple are starting to attach to rocks now so I will have a couple available pretty soon...hopefully!
JGB59 said:
For Bryan and Darren I'm looking for pink/red yumas, have any available or coming up available soon?

In case you've not be told so thus far....

[welcome] :D

You'd be better off contacting the vendor in their forum regarding any products they have to sell, as they aren't permitted to violate the User Agreement by posting (advertising) in hobbyist threads.
I have a question for the ricordia ppl out there

I recently bought a rock with 7 beautiful polyps on it... for $50 no less :)

anyway... several have 1 mouth, 3 however have 3 mouths, and one has 4

the one with 4 is acting sort of like it's going to split

that one took a small piece of krill that was direct fed to it and choked it right down.

My question is: does feeding ricordia help with reproduction? and should I be feeding them all the time?
I have fed them and they really increased in size quickly. I have cleaner shrimp and serpent stars and nassarius snails that go nuts when I drop in pellet food at night, but the rics do swallow what they can if they aren't too disturbed.

I've not fed mine in a good month, but they are still looking pretty good overall. I just hate fighting off the crew just to get a few crumbs down their little throats.
i just put some krill on a barbq skewer and shook it off on them

had to thump my clownfish a little tho

he's turning into a bully now that he's huge kicked the hell outta some poor hermits earlier while I was watching
Here is a picture of one of mine feeding on some Mysis that I dropped in tonight. It opened really wide for it.


Very nice, Melev, but not a Ricordea. :)

Big phat metallic frilly!

OK, I haven't posted in awhile, here are a couple:




and, a nice cultured Rainbow Rock I made for a friend of ours...

