Alan's 300g Marineland DD Reef

I can't watch the videos here at work, but man - you need 2 more stock tanks! One for frags, and one for that Hot-Tub!
OK, at some point it just becomes easier to flood the basement, knock a hole in the roof, and drag out the SCUBA gear. I'm so jealous...
wow thats alot of zoas!
Those are just the ones that were already fragged and before I started scraping the zoas off the rocks :spin2:

Are you still seeing improved coral colors in the stock tank?
Yes. Some haven't changed much, but others are really looking a lot better. I like the Radium lamp and think it helps bring out some of the colors.

Beautiful fish! Any idea about how old he is? I don't know if I could resist the urge to try to pet him :D
IIRC, they said he was around 8 years old.

OK, at some point it just becomes easier to flood the basement, knock a hole in the roof, and drag out the SCUBA gear. I'm so jealous...
Hmmm..... :)
Tank arrived today! Got it moved into the basement without too much trouble. We removed one of the sections for the fence and took out both sides of the sliding door downstairs, so we were able to carry it straight in without turning it on it's side.

We're going to Denver this weekend for a little vacation and to hit the ReefStock event at the Denver Aquarium. I'll get started on building the new stand next week.

Here are a few pics:


I'm really jealous of that tank. I've already planned where it would go for an in wall set up through the garage wall into my family room.

You're my hero, Love the Sohal too!
Awesome! Hadn't heard from you in awhile... thought you were going "mad scientist" on us and your next post would be a FTS fully stocked!
I started a leak test this week on the new tank. It's sitting in the living room and I was going to use it to make up about 200g for a water change. Looks like there is a small hole between the main tank area and the overflow chamber. I looked at it closely and the drip is coming through where the overflow meets the side wall, just at the top of the silicone bead. Another thing I noticed was that the inside of the overflow chamber does not have any silicone on it, just the outside. My plan is to just put a bead of silicone on the inside of the chamber. Overall, this leak is not going to really matter and the standpipe will maintain the water level.

I haven't had time to tear out the old 180g stand or get lumber for the new one. Hopefully sometime this weekend I can get started on this build.
ya i got my 90g from their (GOOD PRICE):dance::dance::dance:
have not tested mine
are you taking back?
are will you fix the leak?
That sohal is ridiculous. Great colors, streamers, and just huge. What else are you going to try to put in the 300 with it, fish-wise?