Tomorrow will be 7 days that I have been running my ATS and within the last two days the amount of growth has been amazing!!!! I do have to make some adjustments with the size of the zip ties i am using and move them out to edges of the screen. I also need to adjust how high up screen is in the pvc since I seem to get more flow on side of the screen than the other.
Should I have equal water flow on both sides of the screen?
Refresher on my ATS design....
-DIY box built with black acrlyic
-5 x 3w LEDS (3 warm white and 2 red) on each side for a total of 30w's.
-18 on and 6 off
There was a question of heat concerns because my box was closed. I used my dremel to drill 8 holes directly behind the heat sinks on each side and I have not noticed any heat issues so far.
-10"x10" mesh canvas
-manifold fed from my main system but I am strongly considering a dedicated pump.
Finally, here's a picture that I took last night....not a great picture because of the angle and it was with my cell phone. I will get a much better picture tomorrow night when I do my first cleaning.
I havent tested my phosphates or nitrates at all this week but my last readings before firing this up were 5ppm for nitrates and .035 po4.