Algae Scrubber Basics

I just got my ATS going a week and half or so ago. Started to get some brown growth on it really quickly. I seeded it with some GHA from my display, because I figured, hey, why not?

Anyway, I haven't scraped it yet. When should you scrape the screen? Once it's starts really growing stuff that is scrapable?

No, the screen should be cleaned every ~7 days regardless of growth.
No, the screen should be cleaned every ~7 days regardless of growth.

I have actually been going 10 days. I have to check on it but one of the new guidelines is that you can go 10 days as long as you have strong enough light. This might be linked to the "high light" and "feeding based" methods. Your light definitely has to be strong enough to penetrate deeper to keep the roots alive. Also your screen has to be rough enough.
Ok, finally got around to taking some pictures off of the camera.

Here's a couple of the cpvc frame that I made. I also drilled and tapped a hole into the 1" PVC cap into the pipe itself. Running a MJ1200 into it now, seems to be nice flow as it covers the screen both sides with a nice stream of water.



Here's an under-tank shot before I put the light on the other side.


And here's a picture of what grew after about 10 days. Scraped it with a Speedy Rewards card from the gas station. :) It looks better in pictures, there really wasn't too much algae on the screen. Maybe a golf-ball sized wad, and most of that is probably from the "seed" GHA that I put on the screen when I got it going.

Ok, finally got around to taking some pictures off of the camera.

Here's a couple of the cpvc frame that I made. I also drilled and tapped a hole into the 1" PVC cap into the pipe itself. Running a MJ1200 into it now, seems to be nice flow as it covers the screen both sides with a nice stream of water.



Here's an under-tank shot before I put the light on the other side.


And here's a picture of what grew after about 10 days. Scraped it with a Speedy Rewards card from the gas station. :) It looks better in pictures, there really wasn't too much algae on the screen. Maybe a golf-ball sized wad, and most of that is probably from the "seed" GHA that I put on the screen when I got it going.


I like the design. Easy cleaning
Not that it matters much but you use a new piece with each cleaning or are you reusing?

I've been putting a new piece on each time. I figure it's worth a few pennies to not have to wrestle with nasty wet plastic wrap, trying to put it somewhere where you can keep it from sticking together while cleaning the screen.

I'm still not happy with my growth but that's another issue. It continues to just grow greenish-brown slime.
Hey guys starting a new build with t5's what bulb do I want? 6700k? Also how often do I have to change the bulbs out with T5's?
Do you have experience kick-starting an ATS on a nearly sterile tank? Not trying to be facetious, just trying to understand your opinion.

FWIW, when I ran the scrubber on this tank last year when it first went live (before I took the whole thing down for repairs) it basically did the same thing. It was running for a month or two and nothing but a thin coat of brown slime.

Following up on this for the record. The tank's been up for maybe 3.5 months now. I re-sized the ATS according to the new feeding guidelines in mid-December, so it's been almost two months since then.

Still, all I really get is brownish slime. If I let it go more than a week between cleanings, I'll get some greenish slime too, but it's absolutely devoid of anything even resembling green hair algae. With a week between cleanings I'm "harvesting" a few tablespoons of slime.

My nutrient levels are OK. Low enough that corals and fish are healthy but more than high enough to grow algae, I'd expect. There's no significant nuisance algae in the display tank but there is a typical mild "new tank" diatom breakout.

I've got it sized according to the feeding guideline, lit with the typical CFLs, flow is dead on, screen is nice and rough... It's definitely exporting SOME nutrients but it's not where I'd like it to be.

I guess I'm just venting, but if anyone has a magic suggestion I would appreciate it.
Hey guys starting a new build with t5's what bulb do I want? 6700k? Also how often do I have to change the bulbs out with T5's?

Honestly I wouldn't bother with T5HO anymore. You're better off getting 2 of the 50W e-shine fixtures, because lamp replacements in the first year alone will put your cost over the top.

But it you are set on T5HO, you want 2700-3000K, same as any fluorescent setup.
I think I can finally contribute a unique idea to this thread.


My solution is dirt simple and effective (my favorite type). I ripped off a piece of plain old kitchen cling-wrap that was a few inches longer than the pipe, and draped it over the pipe. It hangs down and "sticks" to the screen for maybe the top 2" inches, and TOTALLY eliminates the random spurts of water. I will take a picture if people want, but it's pretty straightforward.


Simple and kind of a hackjob, but it was pretty much a game changer for me, as I was close to either doing a ground-up redesign of my scrubber or abandoning it all together.

One of my favorite sayings is "if its stupid but it works, it isnt stupid".

Or if its a hack but gets the job done, does it matter if its a hack?

Good job. Raiding the kitchen today!
Following up on this for the record. The tank's been up for maybe 3.5 months now. I re-sized the ATS according to the new feeding guidelines in mid-December, so it's been almost two months since then.

Still, all I really get is brownish slime. If I let it go more than a week between cleanings, I'll get some greenish slime too, but it's absolutely devoid of anything even resembling green hair algae. With a week between cleanings I'm "harvesting" a few tablespoons of slime.

My nutrient levels are OK. Low enough that corals and fish are healthy but more than high enough to grow algae, I'd expect. There's no significant nuisance algae in the display tank but there is a typical mild "new tank" diatom breakout.

I've got it sized according to the feeding guideline, lit with the typical CFLs, flow is dead on, screen is nice and rough... It's definitely exporting SOME nutrients but it's not where I'd like it to be.

I guess I'm just venting, but if anyone has a magic suggestion I would appreciate it.

If you can, post some pictures of your scrubber. I looked back 3 months or so in this thread and didn't find one (maybe I didn't look far enough). Also post info about your system and a FTS, maybe I'll spot something...
I will post photos later. It is a 360g display, 75g sump, LEDs in the DT, light fish load ( two clowns, 6 chromis, three gobies, a blenny, and a cardinal.) I rotate different foods: flake, NLS pellets, rod's food frozen, PE mysis, enriched frozen brine shrimp, filter feeder mix from reefcleaners.

Screen is roughly 11" by 10". Two CFLs on each side with makeshift reflectors. CFLs are 23w, 1600 lumens, 2700k.

I am now realizing that I pretty much screwed up the math when I re-sized it. I feed maybe two "cube equivalents" a day and my screen is big enough for something like 8. Would that be enough to change the species of algae the screen grows? Again, it just has brown slime on it with the occasional blob of green slime, nothing else.
I will post photos later. It is a 360g display, 75g sump, LEDs in the DT, light fish load ( two clowns, 6 chromis, three gobies, a blenny, and a cardinal.) I rotate different foods: flake, NLS pellets, rod's food frozen, PE mysis, enriched frozen brine shrimp, filter feeder mix from reefcleaners.

Screen is roughly 11" by 10". Two CFLs on each side with makeshift reflectors. CFLs are 23w, 1600 lumens, 2700k.

I am now realizing that I pretty much screwed up the math when I re-sized it. I feed maybe two "cube equivalents" a day and my screen is big enough for something like 8. Would that be enough to change the species of algae the screen grows? Again, it just has brown slime on it with the occasional blob of green slime, nothing else.
Yes, that would, but only to some extent. If the screen is significantly oversized, then what you end up doing is spreading the same growth over a wider area. All the algae is nutrient-deficient as it is all competing for the same nutrients. If you make the area much smaller for the same amount of nutrients, you reduce the competition factor and you will see more green growth. This is especially true for a low nutrient (waste) system. If you're only feeding 2 cubes a day, roughly, I would cut the screen in half (width) and widen the slot a little (not much, try 1/16" at first) and that will give you more flow to a smaller area, and this might result in greener growth. If it results in more growth but it's still yellowing and spongy, then start decreasing the lighting period by a couple hours each week until you get green. If you get black/dark, you've gone too far, up the hours. Also you might consider using higher wattage lights for less hours on the smaller screen.
Originally Posted by der_wille_zur_macht
Do you have experience kick-starting an ATS on a nearly sterile tank? Not trying to be facetious, just trying to understand your opinion.

FWIW, when I ran the scrubber on this tank last year when it first went live (before I took the whole thing down for repairs) it basically did the same thing. It was running for a month or two and nothing but a thin coat of brown slime.

IIRC, you used man made rock. Have you considered the possibility that the kind of algae you want is simply not present?
Finally got my ATS running last weekend. It has been a week and I am not sure if things are where they should be. Please take a look and provide any comments you can. Thanks. The first couple days I had to crank my supply pump back since my 2 3/4" bulkheads couldn't handle the demand. I quickly added a third one and all is good now. Eventually want to replace with 1" bulkheads. Anyone DIY bulkheads before?
3 days

5 days

7 days
IIRC, you used man made rock. Have you considered the possibility that the kind of algae you want is simply not present?

Yeah, that's the whole reason why I made that comment in this thread a few months ago.

Yes, that would, but only to some extent.

Your plan fits what I was thinking. Slowly narrow the screen until it is closer to the correct target size, leave the same amount of lighting, and reduce photoperiod. I'll post an update in another month or two. FWIW I took a photo but Jeff is sparing me the hassle of posting it - my screen pretty much looks EXACTLY like his.