Floyd R Turbo
Either busy or sleeping
Hey thanks, I need to incorporate that into the summary. You just saved me having to look for it.
Just wait a few months until the new version comes out. It was originally designed for nanos w/no sump
Yes, the guy who originally came up with this version is working on the next one, but he's patenting and licensing it. He's also keeping it secret until that's done.
Finally got my ATS running last weekend. It has been a week and I am not sure if things are where they should be. Please take a look and provide any comments you can. Thanks. The first couple days I had to crank my supply pump back since my 2 3/4" bulkheads couldn't handle the demand. I quickly added a third one and all is good now. Eventually want to replace with 1" bulkheads. Anyone DIY bulkheads before?
3 days
5 days
7 days
Hey, so I am getting nice thick growth, and everything looks very happy in my tank. I just don't really like my build. I was thinking of doing the led route but I think I read earlier that srusso said something about new plans being released, do we know when about that might happen? I just built this last one around my skimmer because I wasn't 100% about it but now I will be taking that out this weekend.
hi all,
i dont know if this has been asked but, which is better a fuge or a algae scrubber
just wondering for my tank
hi all,
i dont know if this has been asked but, which is better a fuge or a algae scrubber
just wondering for my tank
Just went back a couple weeks and noticed I didn't respond about your growth. It looks par for the course for a new scrubber. That's a pretty big screen though, have you checked the new feeding-based sizing guideline?
As far as cleaning goes, you could probably do a very light cleaning. But, it also doesn't look like the growth is very dark and certainly not blocking the light to the lower layers, so you probably could let it go 14 days (you started it on the 4th or 5th, right?)
Scaling the screen size back and using the same # of lights and you'll probably go to green a lot faster. Check post 2723
My first build was a CFL tub setup just like that, got decent results with the lights closer to the screen.
I am Trueperc's friend. I did some maintenance on my ATS yersterday. I scraped the algae off it so right now it is pretty clean. I also replaced the Maxi-Jet 1200 with a Red Sea Berlin pump I had laying around. This link shows it to be a 525 GPH pump. http://www.aquariumguys.com/berlinpump.html
This video shows the problem I am having.The water goes up a 12 inch pipe and makes a 90 degree turn before flowing through the horizontal pipe and waterfalling over the screen. You can't really see the water flowing over the screen but you can clearly see the water overflowing the end of the pipe. The result is a loud waterfall noise I would like to get rid of. Trueperc thinks widening the slot the screen sits in would help. It is already about 3/8 inch wide. I even tried the plastic wrap idea but it doesn't seem to be working for me. Any opinions from the experts would be appreciated. By the way my screen is about 13 X13 and I feed two cubes a day plus a sheet and a half of Nori.
<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid30.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fc346%2Fpercula99%2FMVI_2462.mp4">
Thanks Floyd. FYI - I never stated what sizes or anything, my bad. I did look back at that post, I must have missed it before now I understand a little more what people are saying in reference to feeding. Does this equation somewhat equate to bioload of the fish? I don't know how much I feed in comparison to your chart, I will have to weigh what I place in the tank. I typically feed Spectrum pellets, almost exclusively, except for Nori. I would like to make some frozen food, just haven't gotten to it yet.
My screen is 13x10 with 4 23 watt CFL bulbs. They are placed approximately 4.5 to 5 inches from the screen. Also, the lights are on a cycle of 6 hours on 2 hours off.
Thanks for the advice guys. I have cut a new slot and I am very happy with the result. I now have a very nice even water fall across the entire screen. I practiced on several scrap pieces until I felt I had the process down, but I still ruined two good pieces before finally succeeding on the third. I made the cuts on my table saw. The slot is 1/8 inch as instructed and just a touch longer than the screen. Check out the video below for a comparison from the first attempt. I cleaned the screen again and I will see how long it takes now to grow algae. I realize I should have stronger light and Trueperc and I are planning a new scrubber design with LEDs once the new guidelines are released.
How do I order eshine leds? I can't find a place to order, just their products.