As requested I took some pictures of my tank. Its not the showiest of tanks but my family and I love it.
A little over a year ago I was given a snow flake eel. My tank had been running fairly well up until that point. I had a small yellow tang, small royal blue tang, and a pair of clown fish. At that time I was controlling my nitrate with a deep sand bed and bi-weekly water changes(At least I thought I was controlling it).
The addition of the 14 inch snowflake eel screwed everything up. It dug up the sand bed and my nitrate skyrocketed to >160ppm. I started doing water changes but nothing was working. I know it was my fault, I made some newbie mistakes and really did not have adequate filtration for the bio load I had. I was almost ready to give up but as a last ditch effort to save my entry to the hobby I built an algae scrubber.
I had a couple pumps on hand already and I spent about $50.00 on supplies to build a PVC overflow and bucket scrubber. I put everything together and over the next few weeks my nitrate dropped to 50 PPM. After the scrubber had been running for 2 months I took the protean skimmer off the system. It was hardly producing anything.
I suspect the surface skimming action of the overflow was dumping any floating nutrients into the scrubber bucket where they could brake down and be turned to algae. The overflow actually does not flow very fast (Flaw in my design) and my turnover between the bucket and the tank is very slow. I know this is not ideal but I guess it allows the scrubber time to eat up all the skimmed nutrients. The scrubber screen is fed by dedicated pump in the bucket and I run two 23 watt CFLs in reflectors very close to the screen. I have played with the lighting schedule and found it works best with lights on for 15 hours and off for 9.
It took about 6 months to drop the nitrate to 0. I believe the sand bed and rock had soaked up a lot of nitrate over 10 months of running. For the last 6 months the tank has been at a solid 0 nitrate level. Honestly my algae harvests have been mostly black or brown over the last year, with it only showing some patches of green. I have never had the green hair that I see in pictures on this forum. This used to bother me but in the end the tank is healthy so I have decided not to care.
The thing I like most about this system is how low the maintenance is. I stopped doing water changes when I installed the scrubber 1 year ago. I installed a DIY auto top off in the bucket with the scrubber using small electrical float switches. For maintenance I clean the tank glass and scrape the scrubber screen every 7-10 days. I refill my top off water once a week with calk added to the RODI. Once every 2 months I scrape the tank glass with a razor blade to get the coralline algae off. Other than that I just feed the fish and enjoy the tank.