I have been reading this thread for a week now amd feel up to speed on most of it. I recently tore down my 75 gal FOWLR,( only system I have any experience in), to build a foam rock wall on three sides. When I reset the tank I had planned to incorperate a 29 gal display fuge with macros and turtle grass for hopefully breading some cardinals. The main DT will be a mixed reef starting with zoas and star polyps and working my way to LPS and maybe a SPS if I am successful. This brings me to my questions.
1: I have no experience with mixed reefs, so what is a good guesstimation of feeding requirements I could base my scrubber sizing on?
2: How much of an increase would having the ATS above the display (and letting gravity return the scrubbed water) have on my pod population? eg. noticeable, realy noticeable, not noticeable?
3: Will running an ATS destroy my chances of maintaining turtle grass in the display fuge?
Thanks to all you pros in advance.
All the LED drivers get hot - as far as I know - but some are worse that others. Take a look at the Meanwells at rapidled.com. Not cheap, but not too hot either. And they are easily mounted at a distance from the LED. I'VE got my ATS LED in my wet stand over my sump, but the driver is mounted in a separate electronics shelf. Something to consider...
Yes, for electronics HOT=BAD. Usually shorter life.Technically it's better if I am keeping the driver cool also... Right?
I have been reading this thread for a week now amd feel up to speed on most of it. I recently tore down my 75 gal FOWLR,( only system I have any experience in), to build a foam rock wall on three sides. When I reset the tank I had planned to incorperate a 29 gal display fuge with macros and turtle grass for hopefully breading some cardinals. The main DT will be a mixed reef starting with zoas and star polyps and working my way to LPS and maybe a SPS if I am successful. This brings me to my questions.
1: I have no experience with mixed reefs, so what is a good guesstimation of feeding requirements I could base my scrubber sizing on?
2: How much of an increase would having the ATS above the display (and letting gravity return the scrubbed water) have on my pod population? eg. noticeable, realy noticeable, not noticeable?
3: Will running an ATS destroy my chances of maintaining turtle grass in the display fuge?
Thanks to all you pros in advance.