New member
Ok, after some reseach, (and some help from an RC moderator in the noob forums named Dave) I have come up with a stocking plan. BTW thank you for the post Diva, how much does this list mirror your own stocking of your 75? Plan as follows.
1 Mated pair of one of the following
Amphiprion Ocellaris, or Percula
1 Cryptocentrus Cinctus, posibly mated pair. With Alpheus Bellulus (Yellow Watchman Gobie, with Tiger Pistol Shrimp)
1 Nemateleotris Magnifica (Flame Firefish)
3 Chromis Veridis, or Cyanea (Green Chromis, or Blue Reef Chromis),
Or 3-5 Apogon Lepticanthus (Threadfin Cardinalfish)
1 Ecsenius Gravieri (Red Sea Mimic Blenny)
1 Wetmorella Nigropinnata (Sharpnosed Possum
1 Cirrhilabrus Rubrisquamis (Maldive Velvet Fairy Wrasse)
1 Echidna Catenata (Chainlink Moray Eel)
Also 1 mated pair of Pterapogon Kauderni (Banggai Cardinalfish) in the 29 gal Display Fuge with turtle grass and CUC.
Inverts to be included
Pachyclavularia Viridis (Green Star Polyp)
Euphyllia Ancora (Hammer Coral)
Euphyllia Divisa (Frogspawn Coral)
Euphyllia Glabrescens (Torch Coral)
Sabellastarte (Featherduster Worm)
Ophioderma Cf. Appressum (Marbled Serpent Star)
Thor Amboinensus (Sexy Shrimp)
Along with this stocking plan I intend to dose phyto, rotifers and pods. My main fpod for the system will be home made frozen cubes. (made with a recipie like the ones found in forums here.)
Now with a better understanding of what I plan to stock, can any guesstimates be made a to my ATS sizing? Just need a ball park so I can start the R&D phase. I do plan to make the ATS or multiples in such a way that I can easly add or subtract surface area depending on preformance and turtle grass health. Basicly build a couple small ATSs that can be brought online with just the instalation of the screen and the turn of a valve handle. Would this work in principle?
Another consideration is the main DTs overflow will be split between the sump and DF so hopefully the fuge water will mainain enough trace of P04 and N03 to maintaine healthy turtlegrass growth.
Ok shoot me down :uzi:
Thanks again for all of your help.
You are an altruistic soul to help a fellow hobbiest.
1 Mated pair of one of the following
Amphiprion Ocellaris, or Percula
1 Cryptocentrus Cinctus, posibly mated pair. With Alpheus Bellulus (Yellow Watchman Gobie, with Tiger Pistol Shrimp)
1 Nemateleotris Magnifica (Flame Firefish)
3 Chromis Veridis, or Cyanea (Green Chromis, or Blue Reef Chromis),
Or 3-5 Apogon Lepticanthus (Threadfin Cardinalfish)
1 Ecsenius Gravieri (Red Sea Mimic Blenny)
1 Wetmorella Nigropinnata (Sharpnosed Possum
1 Cirrhilabrus Rubrisquamis (Maldive Velvet Fairy Wrasse)
1 Echidna Catenata (Chainlink Moray Eel)
Also 1 mated pair of Pterapogon Kauderni (Banggai Cardinalfish) in the 29 gal Display Fuge with turtle grass and CUC.
Inverts to be included
Pachyclavularia Viridis (Green Star Polyp)
Euphyllia Ancora (Hammer Coral)
Euphyllia Divisa (Frogspawn Coral)
Euphyllia Glabrescens (Torch Coral)
Sabellastarte (Featherduster Worm)
Ophioderma Cf. Appressum (Marbled Serpent Star)
Thor Amboinensus (Sexy Shrimp)
Along with this stocking plan I intend to dose phyto, rotifers and pods. My main fpod for the system will be home made frozen cubes. (made with a recipie like the ones found in forums here.)
Now with a better understanding of what I plan to stock, can any guesstimates be made a to my ATS sizing? Just need a ball park so I can start the R&D phase. I do plan to make the ATS or multiples in such a way that I can easly add or subtract surface area depending on preformance and turtle grass health. Basicly build a couple small ATSs that can be brought online with just the instalation of the screen and the turn of a valve handle. Would this work in principle?
Another consideration is the main DTs overflow will be split between the sump and DF so hopefully the fuge water will mainain enough trace of P04 and N03 to maintaine healthy turtlegrass growth.
Ok shoot me down :uzi:
Thanks again for all of your help.
You are an altruistic soul to help a fellow hobbiest.