Any one know what page? 186 pages would drive me crazy to read! Lol
The Basics Summary location is in my signature on every post
Till now iv just read 2 cons about ATS...
1) u cant delay the cleaning, if u do, then water turns yellow + algae starts to grow back in the tank...
2) Even with regular cleaning, the water can turn yellow so using of carbon is a good idea if not a must...
On #2, I have never, ever, ever had yellow water since I installed the scrubber. I only ran carbon for a few months following a 13 hour power outage, and that was just in nylon filter socks as an insurance policy. After a week I'm sure they were doing nothing.
I had run Purigen for a while but have not for a long time. Water is crystal clear.
However, if you are wanting to run heavy SPS, the word I have been hearing from scrubber users is that scrubber-only systems tend to lead to lack of PE (polyp extension) and browning of corals as the zooxanthellae appear to be overfed. So adding a small amount of carbon, or a skimmer and carbon, seems to make the PE return.
What interests me the most is why the PE declines. Theories abound. One of them is that since scrubbers do not remove food, the coral is fed well and the polyps don't need to extend. Increasing the light may cause better uptake and thus the need for more food? Dunno...thinking aloud.
Some also report better growth without the skimmer/carbon.
So perhaps the method to get good growth AND color / PE is to time feeding and skimmer operations right. For instance - many shut off the return pump/skimmer during feeding for a period of time. Perhaps this should be extended so that you only run the skimmer & carbon starting about 1 hour before lights on, this would strip the water of food. Lights come one and polyps extend - searching for food.
Tank is fed a few hours before lights off. Skimmer/carbon are shut off at this time and the scrubber comes on after lights out, then turns off before skimmer & carbon come back online.
Anyone trying this on a heavy SPS tank?