New member
Well I did a DIY (worlds ugliest skimmer, all PVC) design. I was actually thinking about running the output to cascade over the screen as well but if the skimmer shifts then it's going to be a mess. I can't plumb it into the scrubber input because it isn't pressurized and the water would be forced backwards into my skimmer. I'm kind of at a loss for what to do. I only want the skimmer to be a supplement to the scrubber but I want them to complement each other if possible.
My opinion is that the skimmer into the scrubber would be ideal... Do you have enough flow through the skimmer to supply the scrubber? Instead of 'free airing' onto the screen, I'd plumb into the scrubber somehow... If not enough flow via skimmer by itself, maybe combine/'Y' the output together with a pump to feed directly into the slotted scrubber pipe.