Mulit-year threads are indeed fun; I used to only like to read threads over 40 pages. The Durso thread was great. Then I got hooked on biology studies. And now I also get to read huge threads on 3D printing.
1a: The main purpose for a sump was and still is a place to put your stuff. Trying to put lots of stuff in the display can be hard (although reef ponds are a great reason to do it). However if you already have a sump, you can do a fuge there too. But combining a macro fuge with a scrubber is not good; choose one.
1b: Skimmers are a separate discussion; they don't affect scrubbers, and vice versa.
2a: The original waterfall designs that I posted here in 2008 still work well. If you have the space above the waterline, and the ability to DIY, they do work. The newer designs like the ones I posted in 2011 all use upflowing bubbles. They go below the waterline, and thus make many things simpler.
2b: One big difference between then and now, is LEDs. They make almost all the current designs possible, easier, cheaper, safer, and more fun to look at.
3: You may not need the water changing.