You don't want "turf" per se. You want Green Hair Algae because it allows the light to transmit to the base easier.
It's not beyond the norm for you t not get much GHA in the first few weeks. You should see a little bit at least though. It will take several weeks before it really takes off. Just make sure you don't scrub the screen with a brush when you clean it, start by rinsing in room-temp gently running water, and maybe use your fingers (tips, not nails) to loosen and rinse away the brown stuff. Leave enough behind so that a 'base' doesn't have to form again. I'll post pics of my first 5-6 weeks in a bit
It depends on your definition of 'clear'. If you mean 'not yellow or brown' then this will do it. 'Murky' is relative, the non-clarity I referred to in my last couple posts was because of life in the water column, not hazy/whitish tinted water. The water in the tank I have the scrubber on has no tint to it if that helps. When I take a water sample in a 3.5 oz cup from each of the tanks I maintain, I can tell which one is from the scrubber tank because the other tanks have a light yellow/brown tint to the water, just in that little cup.
The Algae Scrubber will quickly out-compete the chaeto. You can run both, but once the screen matures it will wipe out the chaeto (and any other macros for that matter). They are both macros, the ATS just has the lights closer and the flow is more turbid, so it grows faster. This is also why it wipes out GHA in the DT, as long as the rocks aren't leeching phosphate (then it just takes longer)