Algae Scrubber Basics

I had to mark this post quickly as reserved. I am working on the post #1001 summary. We got there before I could finish it. I'm not sure how much time I will have to edit this post, so if you don't see this post replaced with it, it will be posted sometime today.
How's the scrubber working out for you? Looks like it's taking out some stuff.

So far I am amazed! Almost no algae in the DT since startup, and I have been flooding the tank with food. For example, today: 6 cubes Supershrimp, 2 cubes Formula2 and 2 cubes Lobster eggs. Without the scrubber I'm sure there would have been lots. Also I only have Riffkeramik (from Korallenwelt) which is supposed to give lots of algae (during startup) due to it's content of silcates, almost none of that either. So to summarize.. I'm a happy camper! :)
one way to try it is to use a 2700k on one side and 5500k on another side, or if you have to screen use different spectrum for each screen and observe which one has the best growth.
one way to try it is to use a 2700k on one side and 5500k on another side, or if you have to screen use different spectrum for each screen and observe which one has the best growth.

I have done this very same test... I posted my results on the algae scrubber net site, named My 70 Gallon Scrubbed Tank.
Ok - I have a question...
My sump has always been very clean using the socks but with the scrubber it has become very dirty with algae, sand and coraline. Is this normal?
Ok - I have a question...
My sump has always been very clean using the socks but with the scrubber it has become very dirty with algae, sand and coraline. Is this normal?

You're not the only one. Mine was clean as well until I started the scrubber. It's the excess lighting. I tried to clean it up a little, but it's hard to do without it ending up in the display. Right now I'm waiting for the scrubber to out compete it.

Way back when i was researching for my scrubber, I read on the original SM thread that he had tried using these lights (style) and gave up due to the amount of heat generated and they are not as energy efficient as the spirals.

Ok Just an update on my scrubber. I got it mounted and functioning and by morning my tank temp had climbed to almost 80, I usually run it at about 75-76. I knew it would get way too hot during the heat of the day. We are already getting temps in the 70-80's. I shut down the scrubber and will be mounting my four newly aquired "heat" lamps with the recommended CFL's. And Im going to pull it out of the sump and mount it above the tank. Im in the planning stages now for a canopy for the tank. Thanks for everyones help!
Ok - I have a question...
My sump has always been very clean using the socks but with the scrubber it has become very dirty with algae, sand and coraline. Is this normal?

Yes, your sump will collect the mulm (brown powdery stuff) over time in the low-flow spots. Basically everything that you filter socks were catching, except you don't have to wash those out. I was washing one every 6 days, having to spray it with a hot water hose, soak in bleach, and run through the washer. No thanks. Now I just siphon out the sump about every 2 months or so.

As for the coraline algae, your scrubber will not out compete coralline. It is a sign of a good tank and does no harm at all. But yes, the excess light is the cause of the coraline in the sump, and the black acrylic shield will stop it. As long as you don't have hair algae growing in the sump, it's not that much to worry about.
Actually I have seen a little bit of green algae growing in the sump on the sand that has collected at the bottom. If I turn off the pumps and clean it all out should I be ok?
Yeah, that should be fine. Actually that gunk settles out pretty quick in a bucket when you siphon it out. So what I do is turn the pump off and let the sump fill up, then suck it out into a bucket (or several, since the buckets are at the same level as the sump or just slightly lower), then pour that bucket out through a filter sock into another bucket, and then put the water back in the tank. That way I don't have to mix up a small batch of saltwater. But as long as the algae in the sump isn't crazy, I wouldn't sweat it. Install a light blocker and it will go away.
Yes, your sump will collect the mulm (brown powdery stuff) over time in the low-flow spots. Basically everything that you filter socks were catching, except you don't have to wash those out. I was washing one every 6 days, having to spray it with a hot water hose, soak in bleach, and run through the washer. No thanks. Now I just siphon out the sump about every 2 months or so.

As for the coraline algae, your scrubber will not out compete coralline. It is a sign of a good tank and does no harm at all. But yes, the excess light is the cause of the coraline in the sump, and the black acrylic shield will stop it. As long as you don't have hair algae growing in the sump, it's not that much to worry about.

This is where I and Floyd differ in opinion... I have never cleaned my sump, try my hardest to never disturb the life. Yes algae dose grow in my sump... So what... It is providing a home for a sump teaming with life! Every square inch in so filled with life it has become a second tank for me at least. I love grabbing a flash light and watching what looks like an infestation of micro bugs crawling on every millimeter of my sump. That being said, I have very good flow in my sump and the gray powder never has much of a place to settle.

Here are a couple of videos I just took with my phone. The first video is mysis shrimp with babies every where. And the second Are small pods crawling all over.

<object width="1280" height="750"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="1280" height="750"></embed></object>

<object width="1280" height="750"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="1280" height="750"></embed></object>
Sweet close-up vid's! Ya got a pulled back photo by chance? Scale is tough to judge and would be cool to see (at least for me :P ).
My Hair algae in the display is slowly starting to die off. I have hair algae starting to grow in the Enclosure.. One issue I have is Water leaks. The spray bar I have on top of the enclosure. I may have to turn it around or something, because if either end of the screen gets too close to the edge of the enclosure. water drips out of the enclosure and out of my sump. I've had multiple soaked floor occasions from this... Only maybe ahalf gallon or so in a 24 hour period, but it's really really annoying.

However, as far as algae goes. My Display was covered in Hair algae and after 1 month of operation, the hair algae has been stunted. cut in half and appears to be continuously dieing off. So, it's progress. Not as much as I want yet, but I'm hoping 1 more month of operationa nd it'll be dead. I also have some macro algae (Sea lettuce) that got attached to the powerheads and It was a sliver under 1inch, and the sea lettuce is now around 6-8" long off the powerheads.. So, that has helped clean up the display too. I also have cheato in the sump that has doubled and trippled in size within a matter of 2-3 weeks. The ATS continues to grow as well. I may shut down the skimmer now, since I have macro algae growing everywhere. My main goal was to first kill the hair algae, then move on to slowly removing the macro algae. (chaeto and sea lettuce.)
Sweet close-up vid's! Ya got a pulled back photo by chance? Scale is tough to judge and would be cool to see (at least for me :P ).

Picky pick picky... Lol jk

It seems to be a mysis nest of sorts... The one near the gravel is tending to a bunch of little babies.

<object width="1280" height="750"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="1280" height="750"></embed></object>
My Hair algae in the display is slowly starting to die off. I have hair algae starting to grow in the Enclosure.. One issue I have is Water leaks. The spray bar I have on top of the enclosure. I may have to turn it around or something, because if either end of the screen gets too close to the edge of the enclosure. water drips out of the enclosure and out of my sump. I've had multiple soaked floor occasions from this... Only maybe ahalf gallon or so in a 24 hour period, but it's really really annoying.

However, as far as algae goes. My Display was covered in Hair algae and after 1 month of operation, the hair algae has been stunted. cut in half and appears to be continuously dieing off. So, it's progress. Not as much as I want yet, but I'm hoping 1 more month of operationa nd it'll be dead. I also have some macro algae (Sea lettuce) that got attached to the powerheads and It was a sliver under 1inch, and the sea lettuce is now around 6-8" long off the powerheads.. So, that has helped clean up the display too. I also have cheato in the sump that has doubled and trippled in size within a matter of 2-3 weeks. The ATS continues to grow as well. I may shut down the skimmer now, since I have macro algae growing everywhere. My main goal was to first kill the hair algae, then move on to slowly removing the macro algae. (chaeto and sea lettuce.)

Comparison photos would be great! Let's get the one month before and after.