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So, any idea on how to fight briopsis? I have reduced my bioload from 8 larger fish to 3 small fish... Cleaner wrasse, starry blenny, and a Sleeper goby (largest of the 3.)
I'm feeding flake for the moment, but, not sure how much to feed since none are agressive eaters.. How do I fight briopsis with this limited bioload and the ATS and skimmer going and more macro algae in my display than I can shake a stick at?
I've gone through and pulled a ton of briopsis and some patches of hair algae.. Was enough to form about a 1/2" - 1" layer in the bottom of a gallon bucket. And there's still a lot I couldn't get to or wouldn't detach very easily. And it just keeps growing in despite the skimmer, ATS, and reduced bioload. I'm tired of fighting this battle. My SPS keep getting overgrown with the stuff and I have a tough time keeping them clean so they can get enough light to grow...
I've heard rumors that the use of Kalkwater may be a huge contributer to briopsis / hair algae. As much or moreso than food and/or leaching rock...
I'm open to suggestions of what else to do. And I'll admit most of my screen probably died in the 24-36 hour power outtage, and it was a fairly new screen as well.
What does your magnesium test read? I herd bryopsis can be eliminated using higher levels of magnesium (1500ppm) and others report more specifically that the Kent Tech M product works well also.
However if your rock is leaching PO4 then the bryopsis will be replaced with some other algae until the trapped fuel source is depleted.
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