"Prove it" Lol. I love that one.. Very few of us, if any are scientists..
Can I scientificly prove that calcium, alkalinity, and Magnesium, improves a corals health? I have no clue, I'm told here that corals need it to grow, but, I'm not a biologist, I wouldn't know the first thing about disecting a coral to see if it's healthier or not because of dosing something.
All I have is my visual experience. Either the corals grow or they don't. The same is true of ATSs. Either algae grows or it doesn't and where it grows is what matters with an ATS.. Scientific proof in this hobby is extremely limited.
Heck, I don't know if there's any scientific proof that skimmers out there make a difference in filtration!
My experience so far is mixed... The biggest impact on my algae outbreaks so far... Is losing half of my fish due to a power outtage.. I now, have 3 fish in a 125g tank. running an ATS. I'm limiting my feedings to 3 very small doses of flake food a day with an auto feeder. The fish I have are all nutrient eaters. Sleeper goby, Starry blenny, and cleaner wrasse. They don't require much more than algae. So, I'm letting them fend for what's in the tank. I feed nori once a week. I stopped feeding brine / mysis all together.
80% of my HA and briopsis is turning white. My tank kinda looks like a mass of whitish green algae. I figure in another week the phosphates will be so depleted that the algae will start disappearing all together.
The ATS is helping some, but, there's not a lot of green algae on the ATS. Due to the 24-30 hour power outtage I lost a lot of the green algae, so it's in essence starting over for a couple weeks now.
I will with hold any more major feedings until 95 % of the algae is all white and depleting itself..
I think the nutrients are still leaching from the rock, keeping some algae alive. But, without the food to supplement it, there's way too much algae in the display to survive on the limited amount coming from the rocks.
I'm hoping it essentially burns itself out.. And then the ATS can take over with what little is left hopefully. My tank is just over 6 months old now. So, I'm hoping with some age on it that the rocks will start to deplete their phosphate levels in this condition. I plan to go almost the rest of the summer without any additional fish additions or major changes.
Before I do anything I need to purchase a controller with internet capability so I can know if the system has power or not, and then I need to consider a battery backup for powerheads.
All very expensive items That I'm not sure I'll be able to afford anytime soon, so I will have to go with 3 fish in a 125g... Not as fun, but keeps the corals happy I guess.
Hopefully the ATS doesn't die as a result of the display being depleted of nutrients due to limited amounts of fish and feedings.