The screen is much too large for the system. The screen is 12" x 12" - Lit from both sides, and the total water volume in the system is around 40g.
I have the ATS "tee'd" off of my main return line, and I am aware the flow needs to be greater. I plan to upgrade the return pump very soon, but figured it would hurt to let it run as-is for now.
I am currently using (2) 23w 2700k CFL bulbs which for my total water volume is ok, but for the screen size - it's not enough.
My main reasoning for making a larger ATS was that I might possibly transfer it to a larger system in the near future.
Thanks for the advice in cleaning the screen. I went over the whole screen with an old acrylic scraper, then lightly over the entire screen with a toothbrush. It has been 3 days since I cleaned the screen and it already covered in the brown diatom looking algae. But, I'm pretty sure that is common.
I will upgrade the return pump and throw some more light at it. I will post back with updates.
Thanks again