So I've read this entire thread. I really like the concept of the scrubber. I finished picking up the parts to make mine tonight. I Have a 75g tank. I think I'm going to end up with a screen size of about 8" Wide by 16" Tall, with about 8x11 lit. Going to be lit both sides. I'm going to start with one 23w cfl per side, with these big 10.5" reflectors I found.
I think as an experiment, I'm going to take a buffing wheel to them and some aluminum polish and see if I can get a good finish on then. The better the reflector, the better the usage of the slightly under powered lights.
I want to tie into my overflow. I measured it at 250gph. Should be 350 by pump specs. I think I can improve it but moving the pump to the other side of the sump eliminating 2' of hose, and replacing the hose with some that isnt full of hair algae inside!
I dont know if it is an issue or not, but since my legs will be pvc and part of the water system, I dont want stagnant water in them. I'm going to use unions to I can take the top off easy. I found these plugs I can cut down, then slip into and glue into the union before the pipe, preventing water from getting into the legs.
How much risk is there of the slot plugging and causing my overflow to back up? Thats the only real concern I have right now.
My pile of parts