Just wanted to share a little piece of advice. This really goes for anyone, scrubber or not. First, the why:
I have been running my scrubber on a temporary setup until I get my customer's tank made, so it's on top of a 120 right now, and the pump is inside a DIY basket made of PVC pipe and plastic canvas. I was gone for a week and came back and the house smelled kind of funny. I immediately went to the tank, and discovered that my Starry / Snowflake Blenny had found his way into the basket (is slipped a little and the top edge was just below the water line) and swam in front of the pump. He didn't make it past the intake, unfortunately. But he did manage to block about 90-95% of the flow to the screen for a minimum of 6 hours and possibly longer than 24 hours. We had one person feeding the fish and another letting the dog out, and they both noticed it, but thought it was a hidden present from the dog.
Interestingly enough, the algae on the screen is still alive and well, with a couple of white die-off spots down low where the 3-D growth was likely starting to fill in, but just a trickle of water over it was enough to keep it alive through a rather long partial outage. We got in very late and I didn't have time to clean the screen last night or this morning, but I went home over lunch and checked on it, and it's doing fine. I will be cleaning it first thing when I get home today though.
So my advice for anyone in general is to make sure you have an intake strainer on your pump, no matter what. The larger the better. I have found that the plastic canvas worked great for making the basket, I used the #7 mesh that I had laying around. I made a Duros intake strainer out of the #7 and cut out some of the pieces to make the holes bigger and that worked great too. I would think that the mesh with the larger holes would do a perfect job.