Just for future reference, I will not post or respond to any post on this thread regarding the effects of algae scrubbers on water chemistry with respect to anything other than Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, and Phosphate.
It has become abundantly clear that inferring that algae has some kind of benefit other that reducing these nutrients is somehow fuel for a war against the algae scrubber system. It seems that any conversation that starts even closely down the path of discussing any benefits of an algae scrubber outside of the basics turns into one form of mudslinging or another, no matter how much an attempt is made to make a point as politically as possible.
I have to admit that I have a full time job, 4 kids, and 2 dogs, and now 3 tanks to take care of just in my house, so I just flat out do not have the time to dig up articles and have informed discussions with people about any of these topics, so even though I'm well educated and I for sure could do research and learn much of this information firsthand, I pretty much am forced to rely upon the research of others who like to dig up and compile this information so that I can reference their findings.
I personally feel uncomfortable answering questions this way, because I'm the type of person who likes to really explain how something works. In order to do that requires spending a lot of time digging and reading and I just don't have that. Apparently, relying on others to do this and referencing what they have found is just not good enough, no matter how much it proves the point to me.
So the bottom line here is that I have read everything I need to know to have confidence in the system to perform the basic functions of reducing Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and Phosphate, and choking off algae in the display tank. I have confidence that it is capable of providing much more than that, but I will no longer address these potentials. Doing so otherwise seems to elevate conversations to the point where infraction points start getting issued and banning becomes a potential, neither of which I wish.
I also cannot reference that other site that has a ton of information on algae scrubbing, because Reef Central blocks the link. Working around a blocked link by putting spaces is considered an infraction offense, and therefore for the good of this or any other thread about the algae scrubber system, please do not attempt to do this or you will receive an infraction point if it is noticed (reported). As of this time, I have not received any kind of direction on an acceptable method of indirectly referencing someone to that site.
I wish to maintain good status with Reef Central. Therefore, since this device/system seems to be just too much of a hot button for some, I also will restrict all posting regarding the algae scrubber system to this thread, and only this thread, except when referring someone to this thread, and I will restrict my posts to the proper building and design of an algae scrubber.
I will not restrict my opinion in any way that an Algae Scrubber is totally awesome at reducing Nitrates and Phosphates, and it eats Ammonia and Nitrite and your DT algae for freakin breafast man. FOR FREAKIN BREAKFAST.
Because really, that's all the average aquarist really cares about. And I'm here to help those people out.
Here is a except from a recent interview:
Me: Hello Algae!
Algae: Nice to be here. Thanks for growing me.
Me: You're welcome! Tell me, is it true that you eat Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates, and Phosphate for breakfast?
Algae: Yes, it's my favorite!
Me: What else do you do?
Algae: I could tell you, but you have to turn off that camera first.
That's humor by the way, for anyone without a funny bone.