So I go to the file menu and "save" the settings. However I have lost power or removed the power five times and each time my settings are lost and it flashes a German error message of some sort and nothing is saved. What could be the issue?
The controller has been power spiked by the power failure, more likely as the power comes back on you get a surge. We see this from time to time with 110V, more so in the USA than Canada.
If you go to and ask for tech asistance GHL will be able to guide you through what to do.
I cant see your thread on that forum anywhere so will have to confirm with GHL what they said to you and what board has been damaged by the power outage spike.
Found this but does not state anything is damaged, this relates to a firmware update failure when download was not selected on the controller before pressing ok on the PC.
There is no power outtage spike, it's when I unplug the powersource and plug it back in, this has happened from day one and is a defect in the product.
Thanks for the update, I will have to contact GHL as there are no known issues on the global data base about anything even similar to any controller in the past.
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