All you EVER wanted to know about Southdown

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The tank I have with sand consists of any normal marine sand you'd buy at your LFS. It works quite well, I had about 2-3 inches in there and I can honestly say that the water quality was pretty good. IT was very low maintenance compared to my 55G freshwater which used gravel.
Ohhh so it wasent like SD sand or any sugar sized sand? I would love to put a DSB on my 72g...Its a pain to clean that gravel.
yup, it was normal marine sand and the bag recommended it for freshwater & saltwater aquariums.....Just made me think with all this DSB talk.....I might actually try one for a freshwater...mine is only about 2-3 inches....IMO i think its alot nicer to look at....
SD sand in Greater Pittsburgh area

SD sand in Greater Pittsburgh area

I bought 13 bags sd at the Beaver/chippawa store. They had 40 or so more. The Greensburg store is getting a shopment on weds march 5th. Thanks for letting me know it could be found in PA.
SD Sighting?

SD Sighting?

I went to a local HD in Baltimore and saw what I think is the SD play sand. The bags were red and blue. It said Southdown Tropical Play Sand. IT was a light tan color and was a very fine consistency. Is this the real deal?
Whoa, are we not sticky with this thread any more?

It seems to have moved almost to an IM conversation, perhaps we could strip out the useful information in this post, such as the pictures, the numbers, the UPCs and SKUs and save it at the top?

Is this possible?


Well if this is the case, it is at the HD at exit 11 off of I-695, (south side of the Baltimore Beltway between I-97 and I-95). They had several pallets in the outside garden section near the back. They were $3.94 for a 50 lb bag. Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢m going to get my 300 lbââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s worth tomorrow!!
Southdown in L.I.C.

Southdown in L.I.C.

I found Southdown at a Home Depot in Long Island City Queens. Bought 5 bags on Monday. They had about 18 left. When i called H.D. they knew it as "Old Castle Sand" but the package really is still Southdown (for now at least)
Southdown in Cincinatti

Southdown in Cincinatti

Because this seem to be a post for SD sightings, I just bought some today for my first reef tank. Actually, my first purchase, don't even have the tank yet. Had to drive 1.5 hours to get it! They still have several palettes:

Store #3812 "Beechmont"
520 Ohio Pike
Cincinnati, OH 45255


I made the trip to Cincinnati today and bought some sand. It was a 4 hour trip there and 4 hours back for me. Now I just need to find out how to put it in the tank......since it has already cycled, has LR and a few inhabitants in it. My tank has been running about 3 1/2 months. Can anyone give suggestions? My tank is a 29g with about 35 lb LR in it, 2 fish, 1 invert, 3 SPS corals and 1 LPS coral - yes, I added stuff way too quickly
......impatient me!!!:mixed:
How to get HD to tranfer sand?

How to get HD to tranfer sand?

Can anyone that has gotten HD to transfer the sand to their HD explain what the process is? Thank you for the help in advance. I would like to get a pallet or two transfered to a store in Colorado Springs.
During the conversation w/ Home Depot it turns out there are actually 5 manufacturers listed under this sku that make playsand for Home Depot NE region. The northeast region is defined as northern Virginia market over to Pennsylvania and into New England. If Southdown is at a store that is not in this area - it is a fluke.

The Home Depot policy according to the manager at customer service I talked to re: shipping Southdown between stores is "Get Bent". So - if you want it shipped to your local HD - polish up on your smooth talking, ask for a lady in the Garden Center and do your very best Barry White voice.......we got it together now baby.......

Seriously - you gotta be smooth and persistent. You can get them to do it. Search this thread - people have gotten HD to do it and the cost was not out of this world.

I wish you the absolute best. Remember - persistent.....for the store to order it - it is not a big deal - you gotta either convince them upfront or wear them down so they make a call and get it done so you will get off their case.
I am hours away from getting confirmation that my order is going through....!! I spoke to the HD guy at my store yesterday afternoon and he said he had to check the system to see if the shipment had left yet. Although I will believe it when I see it, I hopefully will have a pallet coming to my store in Madison in the next week.
Yes, it did involve calls to multiple people in the same department, talking to store managers and smooth talkking out of my ars! Not so much on HD on this end, but mainly the store that I have been working with that had it....They seem to be catching on with how popular this stuff is and are getting grumpy when other stores want it. The quote from the store manager was " we ordered this for the people in our area and we are turning out to be a distribution center and I don't like it, but I will help you out this time"
I think the key is to find a store that has it that no one has approached them to do it. Ask for the outdoor garden IMA or garden manager. Then, if they show opposition, either try another manager, go above that person, or try another store. More than likely the store manager has put the clamps down on shipping this stuff out because they know they can sell it at their store. The biggest thing is that if they do show opposition, ask them why...I did that and the person said that their store had done it before and got stuck with paying freight and basically it cost them money to ship it instead of getting profit. Offer to pay the freight...with the amount of bags you get, the freight only works out to be something like $3-4/ that to the $30-40/bag for just getting one bag at LFS! Not bad.
All in all, I think eventually with all this demand for these bags, and I only see it getting larger, HD and Old Castle will figure out a way to get it shipped to other stores. It only makes sense.

In fact, Old Castle told me that they would ship it to Wisconsin, but that they needed to order a full truckload...who knows how many bags that is, but large areas like Milwaukee, Minneapolis, even out west, there has to be demand for this stuff. If a bright HD store manager were to figure this out and get one shipped and figure out a way to get it to other stores in his area, I think they would do well....Of course, who knows what depth the politics go!

Good Luck!



I just went to Home Depot in Long Island City, NY (Queens) and bought some Southdown sand. They have 6 bags left.

Just wanted to share the info. They are located on 48th Street and Northern Blvd.
Gulf Coast Sand

Gulf Coast Sand

This is my first posting.
Yesturday, I found Gulf Coast White Beach Sand at a local Home Depot. It looked alot like CaribSea Sand. Although it was packaged locally, I was wondering if it could be simular to Southdown? It is fine grained and light tan in color.
How does one test the sand to determine if its silica or aragonite?
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