All you EVER wanted to know about Southdown

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Does anyone have a picture and the bar code of the new
OLDCASTLE package Im looking to transfer this stuff in Williston, VT but without anymore info it is hard to get someting

Since SouthDown playsand is so fine, is it a good substrate to have for live critters (i.e. hermit crabs, snails, shrimp,....etc.)? Thanks.
Does anyone have a picture and the bar code of the new OLDCASTLE package
Not even old castle has it. They are still designing the bags, it will be like the SD just with the old castle name an the colors might be the same or they might change them. Dont bother transfering bags to your home depot (only if its the good old SD) since all HD will have them in stock for this spring.
I was wondering the same thing........If the sand is never rinsed at all, isnt it really easy to get a sand storm if the critters or fish are startled? Also I noticed that alot of deep sand beds, when viewed from the front of the tank, have this stringy algae look in the that actually a good thing, and doesn't it look a tad bit dirty to the rest of you?

I've been reading your posts for quite a while.... all are very informative..... but, can I send you an 'H' key? :) just kidding.... :D

southdown is good for all inhabitants, including the ones you mention. Some snails however, do not (cannot) dwell on sand.

mgk65 said:

I've been reading your posts for quite a while.... all are very informative..... but, can I send you an 'H' key? :) just kidding.... :D


Hello Mgk if you read my post for quit a while you already know Im french Canadian so Im sorry but I realy dont understand wath you mean :confused: Wath is this mean ''can I send you an 'H' key?''

my english knowlege small and I have realy hard time get english joke sorry :) (hope it is a joke:D)
CASINO said:
Not even old castle has it. They are still designing the bags, it will be like the SD just with the old castle name an the colors might be the same or they might change them. Dont bother transfering bags to your home depot (only if its the good old SD) since all HD will have them in stock for this spring.

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when you mean all home do you mean all over USA? maybe we poor Canadian will have it!

Anyway Im starting a coral farm so I need a full skid and can't wait till summer

if someone know were I could or know how I could transferst some Williston" #4501

I already ask home depos and here is my request and there respond (i said Im from plastburg vermont to be shure they dont send me to my local store in MTL

Original Message Follows:

Im looking for Southdown Play Sand
the bar code on the bag is 0 90604 20100 2
Model description: 50 LB Play Sand
Sells for approx. $4.98 Each
Could you tell me if Williston store #4501
have this product and if not where I could
find it or if it is possible to arrange a
store transfer for a skid pallet to
Williston store and how to do it by phone

Here is a link for a picture of the sand bag

I need this exact same product

Regard Stephane Dufour

Hello Stephane,

Thank you for your e-mail to!

Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback about our site. We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced, and we will pass your comments along to our Internet Team.

At this time, play sand is not available through our online store. Therefore, pricing and product information is not posted on our website. Home Depot online carries a limited selection of our in-stock products at everyday low prices. The selection is limited to only those products that can be shipped via UPS. We may be adding more product categories to our site in the future.

We did check price and availability with your closest Home Depot. You will find this item in the Garden Department:

SKU# 578819
Model description: 50 LB Play Sand
Sells for approx.$5.99 EA

Because inventory changes regularly, we recommend speaking with an associate in the Garden Department to confirm price and availability before making the drive in to your store.

Your local store information is as follows:

"Williston" #4501
105 Harvest Lane
Williston, VT 05495

If this is not the store nearest you, or you wish to check availability at another location, please follow these steps: go to and click the "Store Locator" tab on the toolbar. Once you've accessed the Store Locator page, enter your geographic information and click the "Find Store" button. The Store Locator will provide you with a map and a list of stores in your area.

If we can be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact us again.



Not realy help they dont even have the same SKU of the code bare I send :(
Ha! H key....too funny
What do you think about running filtration and powerheads when waiting for sand to fall? I assume that having them running would be a bad thing , 1. because it would stir the sand around and 2, it would suck the sand into the filtration.....whatchya think?

Yes, it is really a joke. :) It can be difficult to pass along facial expressions. :mixed:

I'm aware that you have a slight language barrier, however, you do just fine in getting your idea across.

I was just poking a little fun, it seems a lot of your english words are missing the letter H. ('ting') he he.


Ho! Hokay! HI, Hundersthand nowh sohrry Hi hwill bhe more carefhull now.

hit sheem likhe henglish nheed H key Heveryhere soh him hok

:D :D :rollface:
was wondering the same thing........If the sand is never rinsed at all, isnt it really easy to get a sand storm if the critters or fish are startled?
No because the sand will contain bacteria that makes the sand heavy, If you move it with your hand or a skick you will creat a bid storm. Fishes to sift throu it on ocasion but it settles quickly, not like when you first put it in, you dont event notice.
have this stringy algae look in the that actually a good thing
Yes it is, its a sign of a working DSB.
when you mean all home do you mean all over USA?
All HD that previously had SD in there stock. But I dont know about canada, If you have a HD in canada you cna get a Manager there to ship you a pallete from a neighboring state.
can't wait till summer
You wont have to, all HD are scheduled to receive there SPRING inventory, which includes old castle play sand.
SKU# 578819
Dont rely on that bar code, its a universal code for HD for all their playsand. Thats why its advised when speaking to an associate on the phone to please visually verify that they have the sand in question,on there computers inventory, many sands will show up and they might confuse it with the quickrete tropical play sand, which is ok for a tank, only if you like the brown color.
What do you think about running filtration and powerheads when waiting for sand to fall? I assume that having them running would be a bad thing , 1. because it would stir the sand around and 2, it would suck the sand into the filtration.....whatchya think?
Your right it does cause more sandstorm, but it also lets the sand come in contact with more of the bacteria thats comming alive and the bacteria will be skattered best. You could if you wanted wait a day for the storm to settle, I pursonaly ran the tank on full power. If it should suck sand into your filters it would be ok because its advised not to have media in them, thus the sand will just go throu the filters and back into the tank.
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I have already try to transfert to canada but they said they could only transfert inside Canada no USA :mad:

When I said bar code is is not the SKU but the number code print on the bag soutdown have this number 0 90604 20100 2
does this code is from the factory package and only for the southdown ?
If it should suck sand into your filters it would be ok because its advised not to have media in them, thus the sand will just go throu the filters and back into the tank

What do you mean that it is advised not to have media in them?
Is this the nitrate factory theory in the working?
number code print on the bag
HD employees read that number with a scanner to know what SKU # to tag it with. They go by the SKU number. They might have bags with diffrent bag numbers, but their tagging system will give all play sand the same SKU #. This was explained to me by a garden manager at my local HD.
Is this the nitrate factory theory in the working?
You betcha, Ordinary filters are good in freshwater tanks, but in SW we have the option of a DSB. Media in filters trap debris and wastes and stay in the media, which is awsome in a FW but bad in a SW. All that is collected in the media in filters will quickly incrise your nitrates. Without media in your filters, you let the debris and stuff settle on your DSB and when all that is converted into nitrate, your bed converts it into nitrogen gas. Media cannot do this.
looking for sand

looking for sand

I would really like to know if anyone near Lexington, Kentucky has obtained this sand. If so, please help me! Thanks.:rolleye1:
quote "You betcha, Ordinary filters are good in freshwater tanks, but in SW we have the option of a DSB"

hmmmm Why can't we utilize a deep sand bed for freshwater tanks using a non-aragonite sand???
I think you will have PH issues in FW, and FW fish are not acostumed to sand, I dont think its their natural habitat, it would be cool to know if you could use a DSB in FW tanks, but it I think its highly unlikely.
That's not true, You can buy Sand substrate that is safe for both freshwater as well as Saltwater. I actually have a sand bed in my current 10 gallon tank and it has no affect on PH levels. as far as the fish being accustomed to gravel more.....I don't know if this is so, my fish seem to love the sand and any substrate is better than none. =)
Thank you all for the information about my sandstorm with SD....I have turned on my filter and overnight it cleared up.....

Now the problem is that there is about 1/8th inch layer of fine, fine sand on the top of my DSB...Any thoughts about that...I haven't done anything yet, but am thinking of siphening it out because otherwise i have a feeling that it will be a very very large headache!
Nasotang, as I said it was a thought. I dont know if you could use SD sand in a FW tank. I would love to hear about that tank you have with sand.

That fine sand on top is great, dont remove it, bacteria settles on it making it heavy, in time you wont even notice it.
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