All you EVER wanted to know about Southdown

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Does Southdown need to be washed first? Or can it just be added- and then wait a couple of days for the sandstorm to dissipate?

I thought I had read somewhere of there being something beneficial to not washing Southdown...can anyone clarify?
The cloud from Southdown WILL settle on it's own. Using mechanical filtration to remove it is counter productive, as the most beneficial grains of sand are the tiny ones that make up that cloud. Given time, bacteria will colonize those tiny sand grains, and weigh them down so they sink. Adding a small amount of live sand, or live rock will help speed the process.
I waited for TWO FULL WEEKS for the could to settle, and it didn't change at all.

Flipped on my skimmer, and it was clear within 24 hours.
Same here. About 1.5" deep.

And I've got a mated pair of tomato clowns that LOVE to dig. The sand usually settles within 20 seconds or so. I couldn't imagine leaving in sand that has the ability to float for days on end with those two in the tank.
If you don't have the bacteria in the tank it will never settle. Mine stayed cloudy for days until I added my live rock. 2 days later is was crystal clear. Now if you stir it up it settles right away.
Had live rock already and added about 20 gallons of water for a tank that had been up and running with livestock for over a year.

Remember, what works for one person most likely may or may not work for another.

This is the hobby with no absolutes.
Fursphere said:
This is the hobby with no absolutes.

I disagree:

white beach sand from HD

white beach sand from HD

Our HD can get a white beach sand by ozark landscaping products,
does anyone know if this is silicate or arggoniate.
"ur HD can get a white beach sand by ozark landscaping products,
does anyone know if this is silicate or arggoniate."

Our local HD sells a white beach sand by fails the vinager test
Does anyone know of a supply of Southdown sand, or equivalent (Old Castle, Yardright etc) in South Florida. The telephone # for the Ft Pierce mining company is no longer in service.



SOUTHDOWN OUT OF BUSINESS There was a post here on RC that the company in Ft pierce had closed up shop. The sand piles are gone and there appears to be no forwarding information. HTH
That sucks :(

Luckily, I got 3 bags of original Southdown from a local guy not too long ago. They almost seem like collector's items! :D
I haven't read the entire post so this may have already asked and answered but Wal Mart sells a playsand that passed the vinegar teast (it fizzled) for me...Ok for reef tank or not?

$1.67 for 40 lbs.
hmmmm, I wonder if the WalMarts in California have that. Is the grain rounded or are they sharp? I have a Goby that would hate the jagged edges of the nonsense found at hardware stores.
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