I think Im good in the ca dept. I posted Mrs Wages, what I meant was an alternative to raise ALK and ALK only. The issue with using lime water to raise ALK is that it also raises ca which depletes mg levels and starts a sort of downward catch-22. I picked up some sodium bicarbonate (Baking Soda) so I dosed using the same rule of thumb that I used for the Kent product. I am hoping this works as well without any nasty side affects. I just haven't had the time to order up some Kents, though if its the same, I'd just as soon use baking soda as its cheaper and more readily available. Thanks all for the advice.
Merry Christmas!
P.S. I noted that Mrs Wages contains ten percent iron as well. I do not know if that is a huge issue or not provided you change water as you should, but keep that in mind.