Always be ready to QT from everyone


im an addict lol
Just a public service announcement/ reminder. I purchased a lot of coral today from a system that looked very healthy with largish colonies growing well in it. As I got them home did my normal inspections before dipping well sadly they will need a lot more work then I thought in QT. they were full of AEFW. I am not going to call anyone out but I do want to remind people just cause a coral looks healthy doesn't meen it doesn't need to be in qt. a simple dip or two or three will not eliminate aefw. No dips kill the eggs and they can take weeks to hatch. Anyways this is not a thread for info on how to treat corals with pests anyways

Here is a picture
Zoomed in picture. I do have a qt system in my new setup so this will not make it into my display but other may not and think they r save cause the corals look healthy .

AEFW? what's that? Sorry still getting feet wet with saltwater tanks...also not sure what I'm looking at in there 2 starfish and brown slime stuff eggs?
Yes I didn't count but will over 1000 eggs of acro eating flat worm eggs aefw for short. Maybe the worst spa pest u can have. They do as there name says. Eat acropora corals.

Each egg can hold 20-40 more too :) so do the math one small spot on 1 coral had 20,000 baby ready to hatch and dine on the coral
I respect you by wanting to call anyone out, but if people are selling pest invested corals I would think others need to know.

Personally I'd feel so guilty for selling something like that, I'd call myself out. That tank might look ok now, but it's a ticking time bomb.
Great thread Roger. It is always good to get a reminder for those of us who are too lazy to setup a QT and we should.

Good luck with the corals and getting rid of those pests.
I also posted this cause others have recently purchased from this person so they need to know about this before its to late for there tank. I don't know who but someone has
Appreciate it Roger. Hopefully the person selling these corals has the balls to step up and issue refunds and stop potentially killing people's tanks.

If you bought colonies recently heads up. Thank god I was out of town.
So the lesson is QT always ? ....which everyone should do anyways

Or are we secretly calling someone out....... ???
Seems like a dick move, I wonder if the person trimmed off any spots already eaten so they looked healthy for the sale.
Roger, good point qt qt qt. no matter what. with an infestation like that I would not risk it. I would go the extra months of qt.
And that is how they spread throughout local reefers tanks. Glad you put this out there Roger. Whether he sold them intentionally or not, at this point it has to stop or people need to be warned.

That is a pretty serious infestation indicating multiple, adult egg laying worms.
Could not agree more, thank you Roger for pointing this out. Glad you have the facility to isolate it.

From my experience with people whom have a positive track record they don't intend to due any harm among others.

Easier to be negative than to give those the benefit of the doubt. No tank is perfect or LFS.

Always QT and Dip.

You are a wealth of knowledge and much appreciated to those whom seek advice!
No tank is perfect or LFS.

Always QT and Dip.

You are a wealth of knowledge and much appreciated to those whom seek advice!

My goal is to have exactly that. A pest free system. I will be giving these and all other corals a very long QT process. My goal is a guarantee pest free system.

One day I'll have to set up an coral QT! Thanks for the reminder :). Goes to show a just a dip isn't always safe
The real lesson here is buyer beware and purchase at your own risk. Assume everything has bugs and treat the corals that way. It is up to you to inspect corals before laying down your money. Take a magnifying glass if you are blind like me. :)
Having said that I did not sell these corals.
I purchased fish the other day from a reefer aswell and fish had fin rot and other fungal/bacterial issues .. Always QT I have a 12 nano , you just never know :/