Typical why try and justify what has been done. Who cares if its a detour, just don't use that area.
As one of the comments on youtube said if that was an Australian jet that did this over American land or sea there would have been a mass uproar by the American public.
As for news channels creating stories for better ratings I'm sure if you watch an Amercian channel it will say they did nothing wrong it was in an open area and no damage, and an Australian channel will say the opposite. It happens all the time in war time cover pieces they only show you what they want you to see, think and/or know.
quoted:"I doubt they would have done a tremendous amount of damage, even if the bombs were armed and did hit the reef directly.
There just isn't anything to be concerned about here at all. A small shipwreck would be a bigger cause of concern then four bombs."
Really you don't think four bombs would do anything, why not offer up your backyard for the next bomb test then.This is what I mean just ignorance on behalf of the world blinkers on if it doesn't happen to me dirrectly I don't really care. It should be something to be concerned about as the reef is home to thousands and thousands of diverse marine life that multiply to give us the fish and corals that we want for our tanks, that use up nutrients in the water so we can swim and protect the Australian coastline from erosion by waves and tides, also is a big econmical tourist attraction that keeps people employed and off the dole.