And the rebuild begins.


In Memoriam
Would like to thank jeffb3t for all his help yesterday. This project probably never would have happend. And I definatly wouldnt have had it as far as we did yesterday.

All the rocks pulled out. The sand that came out was nasty!

Think I need to get another container for cooking the LR.

my new nanno. everything looks healthy.

My new stand!! look great, again, thanks Jeff!!

20gal sump & pipeing.

Had a lot of crap in the system.

that stand looks real nice! I hope it all works out for the better for you.
It always comes out better!
I just looked at all of the your photos and read your thread. Keep the good work. Thanks for the link to PPMOKINAWA
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7276063#post7276063 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vest0830
the guy on the TV looks impressed. :p

He damn well better be.. thats a beefy stand. :D
yeah man, that thing looks serious. so hows the tank as of now? were you able to salvage anything? did you buy/get all new rock? For sand, the makeman has some nice stuff. its just regular sand but with crushed coral in it. its what I have in my tank. working pretty nice.
Yeah, We did get quite a bit done. I had a ball working on it with you. Can't wait to get it finished and add some salt.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7281220#post7281220 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vest0830
yeah man, that thing looks serious. so hows the tank as of now? were you able to salvage anything? did you buy/get all new rock? For sand, the makeman has some nice stuff. its just regular sand but with crushed coral in it. its what I have in my tank. working pretty nice.

Still doing the fresh water test. Have a couple of leaks to work out. Hopefully Jeff and I will finish fixing those on Sat and can get most of the closed loop done.

I have everything thats survived in a nano tank. Everything seems to be doing ok, except one damsil that decided to commit suicide by shoving its head into a powerhead. :( I also had a serious aptaisia outbreak, so still working on getting those out of the nano. should have it all cleared up by the time the tank is up and running.
I had to laugh about the aptasia. I have never seen them here until I saw your tank. I thought it was a stateside thing only. Don't worry though, they love lemon juice. Just keep hooking them up and let me know if you need another syringe. I have a couple here.
i ordered the sqwd.. :D I'm still working on the skimmer. Looks like im going to have to have my buddy in the states get it for me and ship it over here.
Don't worry, we have lots of time since you rock is cooking... unless you want to get more? I have an urchin you can use anyway.
I think you have plenty. It should be enough to provide a very nice aquascape. Just have to wait until it cooks
I did a water change on my LR today..god that stuff is nasty.

some pics ive taken recently.







pulled this bad boy out of the container that im cooking my rock in.
Hey FD,

I just got my Lifereef skimmer in the mail today. It is a solid piece of equipment! Jason got one too so if you have any questions feel free to ask. Neither of them had any damage when they arrived.