Another 225 Tank Project!

lol about 3 years in the reef tanks....before that I laways had cichlid tanks!

I get some post sunday ofsome of the cabinet fuly painted and glossed over!
Thanks Platapus, can't wait!
Your efforts are great, have made me very unsatisfied with my current settup but with a 190gal (5' x 2.5' x 2') tank in a one bedroom apartment my options (and workspace) are very limited!
Also I stole your idea for the return pipe into the sump, using the two 45o elbows and the tee piece. Worked a treat, took a bit of fine tuning but decreased air bubbles significantly. Thanks for that!


I just caught this thread now.

Platapus, this is the best, most thought-out project I've seen. Very good job with the pictures throughout the work.

I've got a mean computer here at home that I've watercooled several components. It was alot of work cutting and shaping things to fit everything together. I had the camera with me, but most of the time I was so caught up in 'the next step' that the pictures didn't get taken. I really regret not taking more pictures. You've got a great sequence of pics at your site.

I think my favorite part is the electrical conduit and the relays. Everything is very clean and organized. I really appreciate that stuff.

It's gonna be sweet. I look forward to seeing more pics.

Ewan - Thanks for the comps :beer:

Ozfish - That is a pretty big tank for a one bedroom apt. :eek1:

02/22/04 - Still Painting: Still painting, it is a time consuming, Primer, sand 240 - 320, first layer of black, second layer of black, then a polycrylic clear coat. I have finished the front of the canopy, here Im putting on the first layer of the black on the canopy doors and light fixture..

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Hey Platapus, looking sweet!
Just got back from my vacation and I can start more on my 210 now. I finally have the lights up and when I can get enough people together will have my tank on the stand ready to plumb...

Where are you planning to get LR/LS from locally? If we are ready at the same time we could get a big order and hopefully a reasonable discount? ...

H20ENG said:
You are rockin! I'm still drawing pictures!:D

Hey Chris! Im trying ;)

capescuba - I already have 260 lbs of LR, , so Im not sure how much more Im going to need? or when?
Travis - Im not sure if you want to know the schematics of how it works, or just how it basically works? Ill start with the later.

Basically - I have house water plumbed into the stand and it is turn on and off by the solinoid valve. What happens is that 2 float switches (one is adjusted to the maximum water level height, and the other for the minimum water level height). Once the minimum water level is reached (both floats hanging open) the latching relay is triggered, turning on the solenoid. This allows the water to run through the RO/DI, the output of the RO/DI is spit into two outputs, half goes directly into the sump, the other half goes into a kalk reactor, that overflows into the sump. Once the maximum water level is reached (both floats up/closed) the latching relay is triggerd off, closing the solenoid.

The schematics for this are in this post, as well as on my website.
Now I understand. So the latching relay is for people running surges or other equipment that causes the water level in the sump to fluctuate. Am I correct?

Why the split?

Why the split?


I am going to be trying to do the same thing for water top off through the kalk reactor. Why are you splitting from the RO/DI? Are you trying not to replenish all of your evaporation with kalk water? Why the separate 'direct' line to the sump?

Travis - basiclly it allows you to control the start, and top of the solenoid with 2 floats. When you just use one float, the solenoid will go on and off with every ripple of the water. Plus I have a 180 gallon sump, I want it to make up aleast 15 gallons everytime it goes on. Additionally I could do it any other way because I have the surge. .. . .

JAGreef - I spit it up because when I replenish water, it will be in about 15 gallon intervals, I dont want to run all that throught the kalk reactor. plus the split lines will allow me to adjust the flow og the kalkreactor.... to help stabilize PH. Im using it intandem with a ca reactor too.
PS - the server hosting the pics for this thread is down, it will be up tomorrow, Im sorry for the inconvience.
Good idea!

Good idea!

Like the concept of dialing in the right flow over time to balance the overall system for pH.

Cool !!

02/29/04 - Paint: I have still just been painting, here are some shots of the canopy curing. I have also assembled the light fixture that will house the 2 VHO and 3 x 250 MH. Im am currently in the priming stage of the right cabinet, this will be the first piece installed into the house, I expect the start installation later this week. Below is a shot of the 25watt moonlights Im going to use to simulate lunar cycles as well as the location the I will be installing the tank. Right now we are preparing it by ripping out the base board and repaint the wall.

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03/07/04 - Installation Phase 1: I have finished painting and sealing the right cabinet and moved it into the dining room. Hopefully I can have all of the electrical and plumbing finished this week.

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