Another new pet!!!


New member
I bought a vivarium from a local reefer who was getting out of the frog hobby. I plan to add Dendrobates tinctorius "Citronella" poison dart frogs to this in the near future. Here is what I have so far...
18" vivarium, PC lights, MistKing misting system, some bromeliads, and a few other plants.




Here are the frogs I am after...
Best of luck with those guys. Hope they breed like rabbits. In case you don't see my post in my Viper MH thread. I found another misting nozzle and some elbows and stuff. I will drop them by the store.
Have you licked'em yet?
Take one in your pocket to the Planetarium light show of Pink Floyd The Wall!

perhaps I've said too much....
Picked up my new frogs today at Repticon. I went with Tinc. azureus instead of the Ctironella's. When I saw both in person, the azureus were much nicer in color. Here they are:




Plants are live. Fruit flies are going ok. These guys are eating pinhead crickets and fruit flies.
Thats BEAUTIFUL!!! I used to have a vivarium with frogs and anoles..
also had iguanas.. My female, tiki, would swim in the tub and ride around on my head. The male, Jack, was a hurricane rescue that my Dad caught in a parking lot in Florida. He was not as friendly - he would leave a nice whelp when he "tail smacked" me. I loved them tho :-) I would have a zoo around here if the hubs would let me ...
Nice frogs,They are really bold and giving time they will eat from your hand.My azuarus are now 7 months ootw,and the banded leucs are 9 months.
Marty - I was getting the yellow ones (Citronella) but opted for these once I saw them in person. The Citronellas didn't look as nice as these.

David - This pair is 2 years old. The guy selling them had some of their offspring at the show. My pair are already checking out the egg laying areas of the viv. I have film canisters around the viv for them to lay in. They have a little water in each. Some are high and others low. They are mainly interested in one down low. She goes in...then he goes in...they take turns checking it out.