any australian keeping mantis here yet?


New member
it been awhile since i was last here, bout a year. just wondering if there are any australians keeping mantis shrimp yet? if any are in adelaide then let me know. its pretty small business over here in oz as most people still consider them pests to kill. good to be back!
Gday mate. Nice to see some more aussies on the various boards !
There are a few people on the MASA (Marine Aquarium Societies of Australia) forums, top site might I say, that talk about mantis rights and how people shouldn't just kill them. I'm not sure if they keep them though.
Cruise on over to, and if your not a member join up, then go on to the boards and do a search or just add a post on keeping mantis shrimp and you'll find out.
I dont have any mantis' in my reef tanks and touch wood neva will but i have a few cool little pistol shrimp though. I have been thinking about getting a nice colorful mantis and setting up a mantis nano. Might do that soon:D

Cheers Fishobob:D
hi Isfrael i was talking to you along time ago under the name yabbie, your in SA right? i caught i small mantis at hardwrick bay on the york peninsula my best guess is it is a Lysiosquilla osculans
cant wait to get back there and try to catch some more

I doubt that it was osculans. This species is now in the genus Austrosquilla and is reported from Victoria and Bass Strait, South Australia and Western Australia. It is not known, to my knowledge, from the York Peninsula. In fact, this entire genus seems to like cool water. A. tsangi occurs from Southern Queensland south, but that is about it. The most common Nannosquillidae that I have collected from North Queesland are Pullosquilla litoralis and P. thomassini. Both are small and rarely get more than 18 mm. Alachosquilla vicina gets up to 35 mm and is very common in this area.

yup. Got 3.
2 N.Wennerae, i think, looks like Nigels' ones
and something smaller that i haven't id'd.
I remember you on the board erlier too. :)
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They are probably not Neogonodactylus wennerae. This genus only occurs in the Americas and I doubt that LR can be shipped to Australia from Florida.
