Anyone have a stingray or experience with one.


New member
Hi All,
Just wanted to see if there were a lot of stingray keepers out there. I myself just purchase 2 the other day for my 220. One is 4" and the other is 8" which i believe is a cortez stingray. Both eating off my hands. ANy words of advise.

BTW - I have a sand substrate and plenty of room to swim.

Is it common for them to hide for a while after being fed?
Special care is needed when keeping rays. Certain rays need certain types of water, just like fish. It all depends on where they come from. One bonus is you can count on a ray needing a large amount of room for swimming, deep sand to bury in, and proper food to allow occassional hunting to satisfy their predatory instinct. One of the smaller available rays is the California Round Ray (Urobatis halleri). Too bad they are a temperate species that enjoy water temperatures in the sixties or this would be a wonderful candidate for a warm reef. :( You can find more information here or google search or search for "Urobatis halleri"

Edit: Also, be careful with substrate choices (fine sand is prefered) and coral choices (soft corals prefered) for any stingrays. Their underside is soft and tender and is easily scraped or cut by hard corals, decorations, and rocks which can get infected. Feeding can be difficult for rays at first.