Anyone have the urge?


New member
I'm never satisfied with my tank. Ill be happy for several months, maybe even several years, but I always want something different. I want to change aquascape, I want just a mushroom tank, I want a cube, ect.....

Now I am debating if I want to up grade to a 75g or 90g or maybe even a 120:eek1:. I have a 60g cube right now and I really like it, but I think I want something longer. We just had our 3rd son, so now I feel like I need a bigger tank so they all can see. :bounce1:

I duno......:hmm4:
You know my answer! my living room is over flowing with tanks (120 and 300)!
Congrats on the new baby Eric!!

every day.
75, 120 and a 54 Corner in the living room. (GF is an addict too ;-)

empty 180 in the garage.

Down with the sickness?
Never ends. I actually want to set up a ten gallon I have in the garage, with extra parts, and do a macro tank.
ALL day EVERY day. Literally.

I went from a 75, to a 120, to my 265 I have up now. At one point last year I had 3 tanks up and running.

I always wanted something more, or bigger, or different. Since I got my 265 up it's satisfying my urge at the moment.
This is not a hobby, it's an addiction. I feel the same way most days and then other days, I feel like taking everything down and getting out of the hobby.

I think we need to see a doctor about it, but my doctor has a beautiful reef tank in the lobby and that doesn't help. LOL