Anyone interested in a used 180?

I'm still looking for the mushroom canisters and the old mill scene couch, (You know the ones with the wood arm rails and the fabric is a scene of a water mill, or deer. ) OH and lets not forget the Big smilee face. I wonder if I could get the props for "That 70 show" when they are done LOL
Yes, around 1000. or fair price, or if you have a system and want to upgrade. I know a little more about the equipment (key word here is little),
the sump is a lifereef system, big box, two smaller boxes of bio rings and a skimmer in the center of the unit.
a "Clean ocean canister
a green pump (don't know brand or size) just big green pump.
uv sterilzer. (don't know watts, but two big tubes)
life reef wave box- for pump and power heads to make waves
a big heavy black box thing, I think it is for the lights?
3x175 MH with 2 actinic blue bulbs
I think that might be it. Hell I'm 43, worked midnights for the last 15years and an evening job for the last 10. I'm lucky if I remember to put my shoe on the right feet . LOL If you worked midnights for any amount of time you know what I mean.
I need to get this sold so I will have money for the big sale next weekend, I need to get something done soon for my 75. My sailfin started packing his bags today. I can go down to 750.00 for every thing.
I have a 75 gal that has a rena xp3 and a emperor 400, a seaclone 100 and coral life 4x 65 power compact. The system did great for the first year then for this last year nothing I do seems to help. I got Red slime up the $#%$$. Chem-clean and Red Slime remover does not help. I've lost all of my inverts and replacing them is just a death sentence for them. And my sail fin just swims up to the glass and looks at me (I think he's asking when am I going to get him the heck out of there.) That is why I wanted a larger system. But if I can't find a trade. I want to get the extra 75 gal I already have drilled (Or find over flows) and try to get a sump system going. I already ordered a different skimmer from someone on the sells forum. Need to get better lights. I have several tanks with sand and rock cycling so when I'm ready, I'm ready.