Anyone know of someone local or simi local with Tyree Toadstool or Palau Neeon Green


New member
I'm hoping to find someone local or from somewhere around here that has a Tryee Neon Green Polyp Toadstool and a Palau Neon Green Sinularia or Nepthea (not sure which it was). If you know of anyone that can hook me up with a small frag PLEASE let me know.

I have the palau neon green sinularia....or nepathea not sure which it is either...I bought it as very small frag from Klaus about 2 years ago. It actually needs a trim......let me know before the next meeting and I will cut a piece off for you
not a problem not sure what to ask so maybe I will just trim off a branch and bring it to the meeting. It won't be mounted just loose if that is okay with you???? just shoot me a pm to remind me closer to the meeting.