<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6789958#post6789958 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by LauraCline
No that is not what I would say however, I would say that a house can be an asset if careful considerations are made of each individual's situation and priorities. I also wouldn't say I advise taking loans on your house to finance a hobby. In fact, I think it is irresponsible and would strongly advise a client not to do it but, some people have different priorities. When you work for people all you can do is try to keep them from doing things that are not financially prudent. In the end though, they pay your salary and you must do as they ask.
About 2 months ago, a man came to me and wanted to refinance his house to buy his wife a car. The car she had wasn't too old and worked fine, they didn't owe much on it, she didn't work, he had a very low credit score and the rate on his mortgage would go from a fixed 7% to a variable 10.5%. I begged him not to do this, explaining several times why it was not a good idea and how much the car would end up costing in the long run. Even though it meant I would not make a commission, I even offered to help him work on his credit for free so that he could qualify for the car. He was determined that this was his course of action and it was either I do it for him or he would pay someone else to. What can you do?