Anyone using a battery backup?

PVC tube with an elbow on the top, or a T. stick it in the water, stick the airline/airstone down it, run an air bubbler, the action of the bubbles shooting up the tube forces a flow of water from the bottom of the pvc up through the tube and out the top, creating "ghetto-flow" :p
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11771206#post11771206 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
I've got the aquatroica, not the aquacontroller. I could get a second power bar for the aquatronica, but that's like $200 or so, probably more, and again puts everything on two sockets, versus a few.

Thanks for the suggestion though.

I still don't know about the battery backup thing. What is BOW? Sorry, unfortunately I'm from a non-boating family :(

Boat Owners Ware house.

most big boats run on a 24v system which is really easy to convert so you can power your tank off of it. I bet you could power all your pumps for 24-48 hrs off of a d4.
"Ghetto-flow" saved my tank during the last storm when my power was out for over a week.

I had bought 3 of them for the main tank and one for the sump and a pack of D batteries at Bj's. I didn't lose one corals that was a different story :-(

Got wiser and bought a Yamaha generator that runs half my house with no a/c for $1100.

I still use my air pumps and at $15 a piece how can you go wrong?

Its pretty amazing IMHO that some of u guys spend hundreds and thousands of dollars into tanks and setups w/o considering the most important fact of life that is how to keep them alive.

SO before u setup a tank/frag/ and talk about that skimmer versus this skimmer and how much you are going to charge for that frag once it grows out and so forth pls consider a backup emergency power solution to avoid killing those critters.
In my case a standby generator in every house that has had a tank.

U can spend $500- $800 including transfer switch and be safe with all of your options available.
I've got backup generators and transfer switches (not automatic though), so for me, it's only those brief power blips that I'm thinking about. I would definitely agree with Manny that higher up in the importance ladder is having a backup source of power for emergencies, since SoFL does have it's emergencies.
I've got a backup gasoline generator that runs everything but the AC also, but I still like my battery powered airstones for when I'm not at home or it's storming too hard to run the generator.
Sometime in the near future I'll be adding some APC UPSs to my current tank setups just like the ones we use on our computer network.

One of these days I'd love to be able to drop $20k on an automatic whole house generator system w/ underground propane tank, but that kind of convenience will have to wait for now.
Ok...generators are good for houses. I have one I got from Lou.
What do you guys suggest for apartment dwellers?
I am with REDDAWG43, I live in an apartment and the only reasonable long term power outage solution that I could come up with is to use an inverter and a deep cycle battery. When the battery is drained you can charge it with you car. And as far as I know you can run an MJ on modified sin wave inverter. Anyone have any other ideas for us apartment dwellers??
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11782623#post11782623 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dent2011
Anyone have any other ideas for us apartment dwellers??

UPS battery backup just like I'm going to be adding.
As someone else mentioned earlier, the load is so small from running just the powerheads that the typical UPS which can run a computer system for 15-30mins would last for hours.
No need for any complicated wiring or conversions, just plug and play.
My plan is put everything in 30 gal Rubbermaid tub put on boat go off pompano beach place on reef in 20 ft off water. then when power is back on I blow underwater whistle and they all jump back in the Rubbermaid container LOL I thought this thread could use some humor
I have small tank so I have MJ1200 plugged into ups for the FPL 10min brown outs that happed in pompano once a week.